//格式化输出 val result:StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() result.append("时间:").append(new Timestamp(timestamp - 1)).append("\n") for (i <- sortedUrlViews.indices){ val currentUrlView = sortedUrlViews(i) result.append("NO").append(i+1).append(":") .append("URL=").append(currentUrlView.url) .append("访问量=").append(currentUrlView.count).append("\n") } result.append("=====================") Thread.sleep(1000) out.collect(result.toString()) } }
时间: 2024-04-28 14:22:35 浏览: 244
override fun fillCompletionVariants(parameters: CompletionParameters, result: CompletionResultSet) { // 获取当前文件 val file: PsiFile = parameters.originalFile // 获取当前光标位置 val offset: Int = parameters.offset // 获取当前光标所在的元素 val element: PsiElement? = file.findElementAt(offset) // 如果当前光标所在的元素是字符串字面量 if (element is PsiLiteralExpression && element.value is String) { val text: String = element.value as String val prefix: String = text.substring(0, offset - element.textOffset) // 异步添加代码补全项 val future: CompletableFuture<List<String>> = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync { // 在这里使用异步网络搜索预测代码 searchPredictions(prefix) } // 当异步操作完成后,将结果添加到结果集中 future.thenAccept { predictions -> predictions.forEach { prediction -> result.addElement(LookupElementBuilder.create("$prefix $prediction")) } } } } // 使用异步网络搜索预测代码 private fun searchPredictions(prefix: String): List<String> { // 在这里实现异步网络搜索预测代码的逻辑 // 返回预测的代码列表 return listOf("Hello", "World") }这段代码转换成java代码
Here is the Java code equivalent of the given Kotlin code:
public void fillCompletionVariants(@NotNull CompletionParameters parameters, @NotNull CompletionResultSet result) {
// Get the current file
PsiFile file = parameters.getOriginalFile();
// Get the current cursor position
int offset = parameters.getOffset();
// Get the element at the current cursor position
PsiElement element = file.findElementAt(offset);
// If the element at the current cursor position is a string literal
if (element instanceof PsiLiteralExpression && element.getValue() instanceof String) {
String text = (String) element.getValue();
String prefix = text.substring(0, offset - element.getTextOffset());
// Asynchronously add code completion items
CompletableFuture<List<String>> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
// Implement the logic to search for predicted code asynchronously over the network here
// Return the list of predicted code
return searchPredictions(prefix);
// When the asynchronous operation is complete, add the results to the result set
future.thenAccept(predictions -> {
predictions.forEach(prediction -> {
result.addElement(LookupElementBuilder.create(prefix + " " + prediction));
// Implement the logic to search for predicted code asynchronously over the network here
// Return the list of predicted code
private List<String> searchPredictions(String prefix) {
// Implement the logic to search for predicted code asynchronously over the network here
// Return the list of predicted code
return Arrays.asList("Hello", "World");
class TopNHotItems(topSize: Int) extends KeyedProcessFunction[Tuple, ItemViewCount, String] { private var itemState : ListState[ItemViewCount] = _ override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = { super.open(parameters) // 命名状态变量的名字和状态变量的类型 val itemsStateDesc = new ListStateDescriptor[ItemViewCount]("itemState-state", classOf[ItemViewCount]) // 从运行时上下文中获取状态并赋值 itemState = getRuntimeContext.getListState(itemsStateDesc) } override def processElement(input: ItemViewCount, context: KeyedProcessFunction[Tuple, ItemViewCount, String]#Context, collector: Collector[String]): Unit = { // 每条数据都保存到状态中 itemState.add(input) // 注册 windowEnd+1 的 EventTime Timer,当触发时,说明收齐了属于windowEnd 窗口的所有商品数据 // 也就是当程序看到 windowend + 1 的水位线 watermark 时,触发 onTimer 回调函数 context.timerService.registerEventTimeTimer(input.windowEnd + 1) } override def onTimer(timestamp: Long, ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Tuple, ItemViewCount, String]#OnTimerContext, out: Collector[String]): Unit = { // 获取收到的所有商品点击量 val allItems: ListBuffer[ItemViewCount] = ListBuffer() import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ for (item <- itemState.get) { allItems += item } // 提前清除状态中的数据,释放空间 itemState.clear() // 按照点击量从大到小排序 val sortedItems = allItems.sortBy(_.count)(Ordering.Long.reverse).take(topSize) // 将排名信息格式化成 String, 便于打印 val result: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() result.append("******************************\n") result.append("窗口结束时间: ").append(new Timestamp(timestamp - 1)).append("\n") for(i <- sortedItems.indices){ val currentItem: ItemViewCount = sortedItems(i) // e.g. No1: 商品 ID=12224 浏览量 =2413 result.append("No").append(i+1).append(":") .append(" 商品id=").append(currentItem.itemId) .append(" 热门度 =").append(currentItem.count).append("\n") } result.append("******************************") // 控制输出频率,模拟实时滚动结果 Thread.sleep(500) out.collect(result.toString) }