[tfr2,t2,f2] = tfrstft(x2,tt,N2,h,trace);
时间: 2023-10-09 12:14:05 浏览: 62
这段代码看起来像是进行了一种时频分析,具体来说是短时傅里叶变换(Short-Time Fourier Transform,STFT)。其中,x2是输入信号,tt是时间轴,N2是每个窗口的大小,h是窗函数,trace是一个布尔变量,用于控制是否绘制时频图。
As an AI language model, I cannot perform the function you requested as I am not designed to execute codes. However, I can provide you with an explanation of the inputs and outputs of the function TFRSTFT in MATLAB:
- X: Input signal
- T: Time samples of X
- N: Number of frequency samples
- H: Window function
- TRACE: Boolean value for tracing intermediate results (optional)
- TFR: Time-frequency representation of X
- T: Vector of time samples (same as input)
- F: Vector of frequency samples
tfr = sp2a(x_win, N, fs, 'hann', 0.1, 200);
这是一个关于信号处理的问题,tfr = sp2a(x_win, N, fs, 'hann', 0.1, 200) 是通过短时傅里叶变换(short-time Fourier transform)计算的时频分析。具体实现可能需要根据具体情况进行调整。您可以参考相关资料或者咨询专业人士来获取更详细的解答。