<if test="tID != null and tID != '' "> AND tID = #{tID} 中的tID和#{tID分别指哪个变量} </if>
时间: 2024-05-26 21:18:32 浏览: 114
这是 MyBatis 中的动态 SQL 语句,在执行 SQL 时根据条件动态拼接 SQL 语句。tID 是一个变量,指的是查询条件中的某个字段名,#{} 是 MyBatis 中的占位符语法,表示将变量的值动态设置到 SQL 语句中。在这里,#{tID} 就表示 tID 这个变量的值。具体来说,如果 tID 不为 null 且不为空字符串,则将 "AND tID = #{tID}" 这段 SQL 语句拼接到主 SQL 语句中。否则,这段 SQL 语句会被忽略。
<select id="selectSysRpuserListByToday" parameterType="SysRpuser" resultMap="SysRpuserResult"> <include refid="selectSysRpuserVo"/> <where> <if test="tid != null and tid != ''"> and tid = #{tid}</if> <if test="tusername != null and tusername != ''"> and tusername like concat('%', #{tusername}, '%')</if> <if test="tnickname != null and tnickname != ''"> and tnickname like concat('%', #{tnickname}, '%')</if> <if test="uamount != null and uamount != ''"> and uamount = #{uamount}</if> <if test="ustatus != null and ustatus != ''"> and ustatus = #{ustatus}</if> <if test="forgroup != null and forgroup != ''"> and forgroup = #{forgroup}</if> <if test="createtime != null "> and createtime = #{createtime}</if> <if test="agentTid != null and agentTid != ''"> and agentTid = #{agentTid}</if> </where> </select>优化以上代码,要求能查询当日数据
可以在 `<where>` 标签中添加对 `createtime` 字段的判断,使查询仅返回当日的数据。具体代码如下:
<select id="selectSysRpuserListByToday" parameterType="SysRpuser" resultMap="SysRpuserResult">
<include refid="selectSysRpuserVo"/>
<if test="tid != null and tid != ''"> and tid = #{tid}</if>
<if test="tusername != null and tusername != ''"> and tusername like concat('%', #{tusername}, '%')</if>
<if test="tnickname != null and tnickname != ''"> and tnickname like concat('%', #{tnickname}, '%')</if>
<if test="uamount != null and uamount != ''"> and uamount = #{uamount}</if>
<if test="ustatus != null and ustatus != ''"> and ustatus = #{ustatus}</if>
<if test="forgroup != null and forgroup != ''"> and forgroup = #{forgroup}</if>
<!-- 添加当日数据判断 -->
<if test="createtime != null">
and createtime >= #{createtime}
and createtime <= DATE_ADD(#{createtime}, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
<if test="agentTid != null and agentTid != ''"> and agentTid = #{agentTid}</if>
这个代码中,`DATE_ADD(#{createtime}, INTERVAL 1 DAY)` 表示将 `#{createtime}` 的日期加 1 天,相当于查询当日的数据。
SysRpuser obj = new SysRpuser();
obj.setCreatetime(new Date());
List<SysRpuserResult> result = sqlSession.selectList("selectSysRpuserListByToday", obj);
UPDATE alert_tag <set> <if test="area_id != null and area_id != 0 "> area_id = #{area_id}, </if> <if test="tag_name != null and tag_name != '' "> tag_name = #{tag_name}, </if> <if test="tID != null and tID != '' "> tID = #{tID}, </if> <if test="addition != null and addition != '' "> addition = #{addition}, </if> <if test="api_key != null and api_key != '' "> api_key = #{api_key}, </if> <if test="ctime != null and ctime != '' "> ctime = #{ctime}, </if> <if test="alertState != null and alertState != '' "> alertState = #{alertState}, </if> <if test="alertContent != null and alertContent != '' "> alertContent = alertContent+"| closed by"+#{alertContent}, </if> </set> WHERE tID=#{tID} 哪里错误
这段SQL UPDATE语句中存在一个错误,即在 SET 子句中对 alertContent 进行赋值时,使用了加号 "+" 连接 alertContent 和字符串 " closed by" 及其后面的变量 #{alertContent}。这样写会导致语法错误,因为在 SET 子句中不能使用加号运算符。
正确的写法是使用 CONCAT 函数来将 alertContent 和字符串 " closed by" 及其后面的变量 #{alertContent} 进行连接,如下所示:
UPDATE alert_tag
area_id = #{area_id},
tag_name = #{tag_name},
tID = #{tID},
addition = #{addition},
api_key = #{api_key},
ctime = #{ctime},
alertState = #{alertState},
alertContent = CONCAT(alertContent, ' closed by', #{alertContent})
WHERE tID = #{tID}
这样就能正确地将 alertContent 和字符串 " closed by" 及其后面的变量 #{alertContent} 进行连接了。