时间: 2023-09-14 21:09:24 浏览: 112
typedef struct {
uint32_t StdId; /*!< Specifies the standard identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x7FF. */
uint32_t ExtId; /*!< Specifies the extended identifier.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 0x1FFFFFFF. */
uint32_t IDE; /*!< Specifies the type of identifier for the message that will be transmitted.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CAN_identifier_type */
uint32_t RTR; /*!< Specifies the type of frame for the message that will be transmitted.
This parameter can be a value of @ref CAN_remote_transmission_request */
uint32_t DLC; /*!< Specifies the length of the frame that will be transmitted.
This parameter can be a value between 0 to 8 */
uint8_t Data[8]; /*!< Contains the data to be transmitted.
This parameter must be a value between 0 to 0xFF */
} CanTxMsgTypeDef;