from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression
时间: 2023-08-02 14:09:50 浏览: 157
from sklearn. feature_selection import SelectKBest
SelectKBest is a feature selection algorithm in scikit-learn that selects the top k features with the highest scores based on a given scoring function. It is a univariate feature selection method, meaning that it evaluates each feature independently of the others. The feature selection process involves ranking the features according to their scores and selecting the top k features.
The SelectKBest algorithm takes two main parameters: the scoring function and the value of k. The scoring function is used to evaluate the importance of each feature, and it can be any of the predefined scoring functions in scikit-learn, such as chi-squared, f_regression, mutual_info_regression, etc. The value of k determines the number of features to select.
SelectKBest is useful in situations where there are many features, and some of them may be irrelevant or redundant, leading to overfitting and decreased model performance. By selecting only the most important features, SelectKBest can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the model.
sklearn.feature_selection f_regression
1. 导入所需库: from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression
2. 准备特征矩阵X和目标变量y。
3. 调用f_regression进行特征选择:F, p = f_regression(X, y)
4. 根据得到的F统计量和p值对特征进行排名:sorted_indices = np.argsort(F)[::-1]
5. 可以根据排名情况选择最重要的特征或设置一个阈值选择相关性显著的特征。