const filterMeta:StateType['filterMeta'] = {
时间: 2024-09-06 22:06:13 浏览: 55
In C++, using `const` reference when passing arguments to functions can improve efficiency[^1]. Here's an example of a function `isprint` that takes a `std::string` by const reference and checks if all characters are printable:
// 示例函数,通过const引用检查字符串中的字符是否可打印
bool isprint(std::string const &s) {
return all_of(begin(s), end(s), [](char c){ return isprint(c); });
Now, regarding the snippet about class `A` and function `B`, if we have a member variable `filterMeta` in some `StateType` structure, and you want to pass it as a constant reference to a function, you might do something like this:
// 假设有一个名为FilterMeta的状态类型,其中包含filterMeta成员
struct StateType {
FilterMeta filterMeta;
void processFilter(const StateType &state) {
// 在这里处理const引用filterMeta,不需要复制整个结构
// ...
// 调用函数,传递const引用
void A() {
StateType state;
// 初始化filterMeta...
Here, `processFilter` takes a `const` reference to `StateType`, allowing it to modify `filterMeta` without creating a new copy.