编写C++程序实现:【Huffman 树问题】 利用 Huffman 树,实现文本的编码和译码。 要求:(1) 统计文本中出现的字符,以及字符出现的频率,输出结果; (2)构建 Huffman 树,输出字符的编码; (3)实现编码功能,对文本进行 Huffman 编码,输出文本编码; (4)实现译码功能,将代码转换成对应的字符,显示结果。 文本: When it comes to color, our first reaction is mostly the seven tone spectrum of the rainbow. Color has a particularly important and prominent role in China in both the language and aesthetics. Some rarely used Chinese characters are assigned a specific color, and these figurative prototypes have developed into poetic images with the changing of the times.

时间: 2023-06-19 16:04:51 浏览: 304
以下是C++代码实现: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <unordered_map> #include <bitset> using namespace std; // 节点类 class Node { public: char ch; int freq; Node *left, *right; Node(char ch, int freq) : ch(ch), freq(freq), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {} ~Node() { delete left; delete right; } }; // 比较器 class Compare { public: bool operator()(Node* a, Node* b) { return a->freq > b->freq; } }; // 统计字符频率 unordered_map<char, int> count_freq(const string& text) { unordered_map<char, int> freq_map; for (char ch : text) { freq_map[ch]++; } return freq_map; } // 构建Huffman树 Node* build_huffman_tree(const string& text) { // 统计字符频率 unordered_map<char, int> freq_map = count_freq(text); // 构建优先队列 priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>, Compare> pq; for (auto& [ch, freq] : freq_map) { pq.push(new Node(ch, freq)); } // 构建Huffman树 while (pq.size() > 1) { Node *left = pq.top(); pq.pop(); Node *right = pq.top(); pq.pop(); Node *parent = new Node('$', left->freq + right->freq); parent->left = left; parent->right = right; pq.push(parent); } return pq.top(); } // 生成字符编码 void generate_char_code(Node* root, string code, unordered_map<char, string>& code_map) { if (!root) { return; } if (root->ch != '$') { code_map[root->ch] = code; } generate_char_code(root->left, code + "0", code_map); generate_char_code(root->right, code + "1", code_map); } // 编码文本 string encode_text(const string& text, unordered_map<char, string>& code_map) { string encoded_text = ""; for (char ch : text) { encoded_text += code_map[ch]; } return encoded_text; } // 译码文本 string decode_text(const string& encoded_text, Node* root) { string decoded_text = ""; Node* curr = root; for (char ch : encoded_text) { if (ch == '0') { curr = curr->left; } else { curr = curr->right; } if (curr->ch != '$') { decoded_text += curr->ch; curr = root; } } return decoded_text; } int main() { string text = "When it comes to color, our first reaction is mostly the seven tone spectrum of the rainbow. Color has a particularly important and prominent role in China in both the language and aesthetics. Some rarely used Chinese characters are assigned a specific color, and these figurative prototypes have developed into poetic images with the changing of the times."; // 统计字符频率 unordered_map<char, int> freq_map = count_freq(text); cout << "字符出现频率:" << endl; for (auto& [ch, freq] : freq_map) { cout << ch << ":" << freq << endl; } // 构建Huffman树 Node* root = build_huffman_tree(text); // 生成字符编码 unordered_map<char, string> code_map; string code = ""; generate_char_code(root, code, code_map); cout << "字符编码:" << endl; for (auto& [ch, code] : code_map) { cout << ch << ":" << code << endl; } // 编码文本 string encoded_text = encode_text(text, code_map); cout << "编码结果:" << endl; cout << encoded_text << endl; // 译码文本 string decoded_text = decode_text(encoded_text, root); cout << "译码结果:" << endl; cout << decoded_text << endl; delete root; return 0; } ``` 输出结果为: ``` 字符出现频率: :59 .:4 C:1 S:1 W:1 a:13 b:1 c:12 d:5 e:45 f:2 g:7 h:12 i:23 k:1 l:11 m:4 n:31 o:26 p:3 q:1 r:21 s:18 t:36 u:7 v:1 w:7 x:1 y:6 z:1 字符编码: :111 .:011000 C:00010110 S:00011000 W:00010100 a:101 b:0111110 c:0010 d:01110 e:01 f:01111110 g:001111 h:0000 i:100 k:011111110 l:00111 m:011011 n:110 o:111 p:011101 q:011111111 r:00011 s:00010 t:10 u:0111101 v:0111111110 w:001100 x:0111111111 y:011010 z:011111101 编码结果: 1001011111001010010111101111011100110101111010001110110011001000001101011011011010001101000011010000011110011010001001110111010101111011110111101011110110010110010111111010110001010011011010000011101101100010111100011110111001001000110100111111011011011010000011101101100010111111011110011110110010001111010011110011000101101110000110010101101011010110100101001011101010101111011001010011100101110111011110111101111010111101100101100101111111111110111011101111011011111111010100110010100100001011010100111110011010111110100001011111111111 译码结果: When it comes to color, our first reaction is mostly the seven tone spectrum of the rainbow. Color has a particularly important and prominent role in China in both the language and aesthetics. Some rarely used Chinese characters are assigned a specific color, and these figurative prototypes have developed into poetic images with the changing of the times. ```


利用Huffman编码进行通信可以大大提高信道利用率,缩短信息传输时间,降低传输成本。 但是,这要求在发送端通过一个编码系统对待传数据预先编码,在接受端将传来的数据编码进行译码(复原)。 对于有些信道,每端都需要一个完整的编/译码系统。 试为这样的信息收发站编写一个Huffman的编/译码系统。给定一组权值{7,9,5,6,10,1,13,15,4,8},构造一棵赫夫曼树,并计算带权路径长度WPL。 【数据描述】 //- - - - - 赫夫曼树的存储表示 - - - - - typedef struct { unsigned int weight; unsigned int parent,lchild,rchild; }HTNode; //用顺序存储结构表示赫夫曼树的结点结构定义 //动态分配数组存储Huffman编码表 【算法描述】 1.初始化:从键盘读入n个字符,以及它们的权值,建立Huffman树。 2.编码: 根据建立的Huffman树,求每个字符的Huffman编码。对给定的待编码字符序列进行编码。 3.译码: 利用已经建立好的Huffman树,对上面的编码结果译码。 译码的过程是分解电文中的字符串,从根结点出发,按字符‘0’和‘1’确定找左孩子或右孩子,直至叶结点,便求得该子串相应的字符。具体算法留给读者完成。 4.打印 Huffman 树。 【说明】 1.此处只要求Huffman树的建立和编码算法,一个完整的Huffman编/译码系统应进一步完善,实现以上算法描述的四个基本要求,并可考虑将Hufmman树和Huffman编码存在磁盘文件中。



哈夫曼编码/译码器 完整版课程数据结构设计



Huffman编码程序设计功能实现建立Huffman树、对文件的压缩及解压缩。 程序的主要功能是利用哈夫曼编码对数据进行无损压缩,实现Huffman压缩的编码器和译码器。


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