[Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax '--skip-host-cache' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use SET GLOBAL host_cache_size=0 instead. 这个警告怎么处理
时间: 2024-04-17 20:26:41 浏览: 296
这个警告是 MySQL 数据库的一个提示,提示你使用的语法 '--skip-host-cache' 在将来的版本中将被移除,并建议你使用 'SET GLOBAL host_cache_size=0' 来代替。为了处理这个警告,你可以按照建议进行以下操作:
1. 登录到 MySQL 数据库系统。
2. 运行以下命令来设置 host_cache_size 为 0:
SET GLOBAL host_cache_size=0;
3. 重新启动 MySQL 服务,以确保设置生效。
这样,你就成功处理了这个警告。请确保你对 MySQL 数据库的操作有适当的权限,以便执行上述命令。如果你对数据库设置不确定,建议在执行之前备份数据库以防万一。
the syntax 'expire-logs-days' is deprecated and will be removed in a future
version of MySQL. Please use 'binlog_expire_logs_seconds' instead. This warning message is indicating that the syntax 'expire-logs-days' which is used to specify the number of days to keep binary logs in MySQL, is no longer supported and will be removed in a future version of MySQL. Instead, the syntax 'binlog_expire_logs_seconds' should be used to specify the number of seconds to keep binary logs. This change was made to improve consistency and clarity in the configuration of the MySQL server.