def generate_L(data_set, k, min_support): """ Generate all frequent itemsets. Args: data_set: A list of transactions. Each transaction contains several items. k: Maximum number of items for all frequent itemsets. min_support: The minimum support. Returns: L: The list of Lk. support_data: A dictionary. The key is frequent itemset and the value is support. """ support_data = {} C1 = create_C1(data_set) L1 = generate_Lk_by_Ck(data_set, C1, min_support, support_data) Lksub1 = L1.copy() L = [] L.append(Lksub1) for i in range(2, k + 1): Ci = create_Ck(Lksub1, i) Li = generate_Lk_by_Ck(data_set, Ci, min_support, support_data) Lksub1 = Li.copy() L.append(Lksub1) return L, support_data
时间: 2024-03-19 22:42:13 浏览: 81
def generate_big_rules(L, support_data, min_conf): """ Generate big rules from frequent itemsets. Args: L: The list of Lk. support_data: A dictionary. The key is frequent itemset and the value is support. min_conf: Minimal confidence. Returns: big_rule_list: A list which contains all big rules. Each big rule is represented as a 3-tuple. """ big_rule_list = [] sub_set_list = [] for i in range(0, len(L)): for freq_set in L[i]: for sub_set in sub_set_list: if sub_set.issubset(freq_set): conf = support_data[freq_set] / support_data[freq_set - sub_set] big_rule = (freq_set - sub_set, sub_set, conf) if conf >= min_conf and big_rule not in big_rule_list: # print freq_set-sub_set, " => ", sub_set, "conf: ", conf big_rule_list.append(big_rule) sub_set_list.append(freq_set) return big_rule_list
k_max = 2 min_support = 0.2 min_conf = 0.3 if __name__ == "__main__": """ Test """ data_set = load_data_set(df) L, support_data = generate_L(data_set, k=k_max, min_support=min_support) big_rules_list = generate_big_rules(L, support_data, min_conf=min_conf) for Lk in L: print("=" * 50) if len(Lk) > 0: print("frequent " + str(len(list(Lk)[0])) + "-itemsets\t\tsupport") print("=" * 50) for freq_set in Lk: print(freq_set, support_data[freq_set]) else: print("end") break print() print("Big Rules") print("=" * 50) if big_rules_list: for item in big_rules_list: print(item[0], "=>", item[1], "conf: ", item[2]) else: print("No Big Rules")
这段代码是关于关联规则挖掘的,其中 k_max、min_support 和 min_conf 分别表示最大项集大小、最小支持度和最小置信度,load_data_set() 函数和 generate_L() 函数是用来加载数据集和生成频繁项集的。generate_big_rules() 函数是用来生成关联规则的,最后的输出结果是生成的频繁项集和关联规则。