std::ofstream n(s); n.close(); 这两句话有什么问题
时间: 2024-06-10 22:10:30 浏览: 82
- std::ofstream n(s);:这句话创建了一个名为“n”的 std::ofstream 对象,并打开一个文件流以写入数据。如果“s”是正确的文件路径,则这句话没有问题。
- n.close();:这句话关闭了文件流。如果文件流是已打开的,则关闭文件流是一个好习惯。
std::ofstream nFile
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ofstream nFile("example.txt"); // 创建一个名为example.txt的文件
if (nFile.is_open()) { // 检查文件是否成功打开
nFile << "Hello, CSDN!"; // 向文件中写入数据
nFile.close(); // 关闭文件
return 0;
在上面的示例中,我们创建了一个名为example.txt的文件,并向其中写入了一行文本"Hello, CSDN!"。最后,我们关闭了文件。
inline void std::ofstream::close() Close the file. Calls std::basic_filebuf::close(). If that function fails, failbit is set in the stream's error state.
Correct, `std::ofstream::close()` is a member function of the `std::ofstream` class in C++. It is used to close the file associated with the `std::ofstream` object. It internally calls the `std::basic_filebuf::close()` function to perform the actual closing of the file.
If the `std::basic_filebuf::close()` function fails to close the file, the `failbit` is set in the stream's error state. This means that an error occurred while closing the file.
Here's an example of using `std::ofstream::close()`:
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ofstream outputFile("output.txt");
if (outputFile.is_open()) {
outputFile << "Hello, World!";
outputFile.close(); // Close the file
} else {
// Failed to open the file
return 0;
In the above example, the `close()` function is called to close the file `output.txt`. If the file is closed successfully, the contents "Hello, World!" will be written to the file. Otherwise, if there was an error while closing the file, appropriate error handling can be done.