@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "tempDir=%~dp0temp_unzip" set "zipDir=%~dp0new_zips" set "totalFiles=0" set "processedFiles=0" for /r %%a in (*.zip) do ( set /a totalFiles+=1 ) for /r %%a in (*.zip) do ( mkdir "%tempDir%" 7z x "%%a" -o"%tempDir%" > nul pushd "%tempDir%" for /r %%b in (*.csv) do ( set "var=%%~nb" set "newn=!var:GTA_=!" ren "%%b" "!newn!.txt" set /a processedFiles+=1 echo Processing file !processedFiles! of !totalFiles!... ) popd move /Y "%tempDir%\*" ".\" rmdir "%tempDir%" /Q 7z a -tzip -mx=9 -r -x"!zipDir!\%%~nxa" "!zipDir!\%%~nxa" "*.txt" > nul del "%%a" > nul ) echo End of the script.这段代码是否可以更精简
时间: 2023-12-30 21:03:48 浏览: 304
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "tempDir=%~dp0temp_unzip"
set "zipDir=%~dp0new_zips"
for /r %%a in (*.zip) do (
mkdir "%tempDir%" > nul
7z x "%%a" -o"%tempDir%" > nul
for /r "%tempDir%" %%b in (*.csv) do (
set "newn=%%~nb"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "newn=!newn:GTA_=!"
ren "%%b" "!newn!.txt"
move /Y "%tempDir%\*" ".\" > nul
rmdir "%tempDir%" /Q > nul
7z a -tzip -mx=9 -r -x"!zipDir!\%%~nxa" "!zipDir!\%%~nxa" "*.txt" > nul
del "%%a" > nul
echo End of the script.
1. 通过使用 `> nul` 来禁止显示不必要的输出。
2. 将 `pushd` 和 `popd` 语句从内循环中移出,并将路径改为使用 `for /r` 命令的参数。
3. 在内循环中使用 `setlocal enabledelayedexpansion` 和 `endlocal` 语句,避免了外部循环中的延迟扩展。
4. 将一些命令合并到一行,以减少代码行数。