时间: 2024-09-07 16:04:07 浏览: 128
1. **坐标转换**:
- 将旋转矩形的顶点坐标旋转到原点(0,0)处,这样可以简化计算。
- 使用`rotate`函数或者矩阵乘法`rotatematrix(angle, [x, y])`对每个角点进行旋转。
2. **获取边界**:
- 确定旋转后的矩形的四个顶点坐标,并找出最小和最大x和y值,形成新的边界。
3. **检查点的位置**:
- 对于给定点`(px, py)`,比较它的x坐标是否在新矩形的x范围内,y坐标是否在y范围内。如果都在范围内,则该点在矩形内。
4. **考虑旋转**:
- 如果原始矩形不是正方形,还需要将点按原始旋转角度反向旋转回原位置进行最终判断。
function isInside = isPointInRotatedRectangle(px, py, rectCenter, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotationAngle)
% Step 1: Rotate the rectangle to origin
rotMat = rotate2d(rotationAngle);
rectVertices = [rectCenter - rectHalfWidth, rectCenter + rectHalfWidth];
rotatedRectVertices = rotMat * rectVertices;
% Step 2: Get new boundaries
xmin = min(rotatedRectVertices(:,1));
xmax = max(rotatedRectVertices(:,1));
ymin = min(rotatedRectVertices(:,2));
ymax = max(rotatedRectVertices(:,2));
% Step 3: Check point position
rotatedPx = px * rotMat(1,1) + py * rotMat(1,2);
rotatedPy = px * rotMat(2,1) + py * rotMat(2,2);
isInside = (xmin <= rotatedPx && rotatedPx <= xmax) && (ymin <= rotatedPy && rotatedPy <= ymax);
% Step 4: If needed, rotate back to original orientation
if ~isInside
rotatedPx = rotMat\(px, py)';
isInside = (rectCenter(1) - rectHalfWidth <= rotatedPx(1) && rotatedPx(1) <= rectCenter(1) + rectHalfWidth) && ...
(rectCenter(2) - rectHalfHeight <= rotatedPy(2) && rotatedPy(2) <= rectCenter(2) + rectHalfHeight);
% 示例使用
isInside = isPointInRotatedRectangle(px, py, rectCenter, rectWidth, rectHeight, rotationAngle);