用Python完成汉诺塔任务。 要求:1)规定有3个垂直杆,最左侧杆上有4个不同半径的同心圆盘,根据规则请说明一共需要移动的次数及每次移动的步骤。 2)结合代码复用说明并体现出递归的思路。
时间: 2024-12-22 18:31:22 浏览: 24
def hanoi(n, source, auxiliary, target):
if n > 0:
# Move n - 1 disks from source to auxiliary, using target as the temporary
hanoi(n - 1, source, target, auxiliary)
# Move the nth disk from source to target
print(f"Move disk {n} from rod {source} to rod {target}")
# Move the n - 1 disks that were on auxiliary back to target, using source as the temporary
hanoi(n - 1, auxiliary, source, target)
# Start the process with all disks initially on source (A), and auxiliary (B) and target (C) rods empty
hanoi(4, 'A', 'B', 'C')
这个函数`hanoi()`接受四个参数:当前的盘子数`n`、源柱子`source`、辅助柱子`auxiliary`和目标柱子`target`。当`n > 0`时,首先递归地处理前`n-1`个盘子,然后直接把第`n`个盘子从源柱移到目标柱,最后再处理剩下的`n-1`个盘子,确保它们都在目标柱子上。