[Error] no matching function for call to 'SchulteGrid::generateGridButtons(int&)'
时间: 2024-11-20 19:35:49 浏览: 38
这个错误提示表明你在试图调用 SchulteGrid 类的一个生成网格按钮的方法时,找不到匹配的函数定义。在这个上下文中,`generateGridButtons(int&)` 可能是一个期望接收整数引用作为参数的成员函数,但当前提供的参数类型或者没有提供参数、参数数量不对,或者函数签名已经改变了。
void SchulteGrid::generateGridButtons(int size);
generateGridButtons(5); // 错误,应该传入一个引用
generateGridButtons(sizeRef); // 或者将整数赋值给引用再传递
int temp = 5;
generateGridButtons(temp); // 正确:temp 被当作引用传递
// 或者直接
int& ref = someVariable; // 获取已有变量的引用
generateGridButtons(ref); // 正确:ref 指向的变量被传递
no matching function for call to Ticker::Ticker(void (\\&)(), int)
It looks like there is an issue with the constructor for the Ticker class. The error message suggests that the constructor is missing a parameter of type "void ()".
To fix this error, you need to check the definition of the Ticker class and make sure that the constructor takes the correct parameters. For example, if the Ticker class is defined as follows:
class Ticker {
Ticker(void (*callback)());
// other class members
Then you need to make sure that you are calling the constructor with a function pointer that takes no arguments and returns void:
void myCallback() {
// do something
Ticker ticker(myCallback);
If you are still having trouble resolving this error, please provide more information about your code and the specific error message that you are seeing.
[Error] no matching function for call to 'std::vector<int>::size(int&)'
这个错误通常发生在你试图将整数作为参数传递给`std::vector<int>::size()`函数时。 `std::vector<int>::size()`函数不需要参数,它只返回该向量的元素数,因此您应该调用`my_vector.size()`而不是`my_vector.size(int)`。请检查您的代码并确保您正在正确地使用`std::vector<int>::size()`函数。