given a stack s and a queue q
时间: 2023-11-16 15:02:15 浏览: 134
1. 入栈操作:将元素放入栈s中。入栈操作的时间复杂度为O(1)。
2. 出栈操作:从栈s中取出栈顶的元素,并将其从栈中移除。出栈操作的时间复杂度为O(1)。
3. 入队操作:将元素放入队列q的尾部。入队操作的时间复杂度为O(1)。
4. 出队操作:从队列q的头部取出元素,并将其从队列中移除。出队操作的时间复杂度为O(1)。
1. 使用栈来实现队列:可以使用两个栈s1和s2来模拟队列的入队和出队操作。入队操作时,将元素入栈s1;出队时,如果s2不为空,则直接从s2出栈;如果s2为空,则将s1中的所有元素依次出栈并入栈s2,然后再从s2出栈。这样就实现了队列的先进先出特性。
2. 使用队列来实现栈:可以使用两个队列q1和q2来模拟栈的入栈和出栈操作。入栈操作时,将元素入队q1,并将q2中的所有元素依次出队并入队q1;出栈时,将q1中的元素依次出队并入队q2,直到q1中只剩下一个元素,然后将该元素出队。这样就实现了栈的后进先出特性。
Given the adjacency matrix of a digraph G, and a pair of starting node s and destination node d, determine if the destination d is reachable from s. Implement the following function is_reachable(adj_matrix, s, d), where adj_matrix is the adjacency matrix with 1 denoting an arc exists, and 0 otherwise. The function return True if d is reachable from s, and False otherwise. Note: You can use any Python built-in package to implement stack/queue/priority queue if needed. For example: Test Result adj_matrix = [[0,1,1,0],[0,0,1,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0]] print(is_reachable(adj_matrix, 0, 3)) print(is_reachable(adj_matrix, 3, 0)) False True
Here's one possible implementation of the is_reachable function using breadth-first search:
from collections import deque
def is_reachable(adj_matrix, s, d):
n = len(adj_matrix)
visited = [False] * n
queue = deque([s])
visited[s] = True
while queue:
node = queue.popleft()
if node == d:
return True
for neighbor, arc in enumerate(adj_matrix[node]):
if arc == 1 and not visited[neighbor]:
visited[neighbor] = True
return False
The function starts by initializing a list of visited nodes with False, and a queue with the starting node s. It then enters a loop where it repeatedly dequeues a node from the queue, and checks if it is equal to the destination node d. If it is, the function returns True, indicating that d is reachable from s. Otherwise, the function enqueues all unvisited neighbors of the dequeued node, and marks them as visited.
If the loop completes without finding the destination node, the function returns False, indicating that d is not reachable from s.
The time complexity of this implementation is O(n^2), where n is the number of nodes in the graph, since we may visit all nodes and arcs in the worst case. However, the actual time complexity may be lower depending on the structure of the graph and the position of s and d.
Consider a problem to find the shortest path from a given starting node s to any other nodes in the (undirected) graph. The length of a path in the graph is the number of edges included. Complete the function shortest_path(adj_list, s), which takes the adjacency list of the graph and a starting node as input, and returns a list containing the length of the shortest path from the starting node to all other nodes. Note: If there is no path from the starting node to a node, set the length of shortest path as float('inf'). You can use any Python built-in package to implement the stack/queue/priority queue if needed. Hint: Consider the three graph traversal strategies (DFS, BFS and PFS) discussed in the class. Which one is applicable in this problem? For example: Test Result adj_list = [[], [2, 3], [1, 4], [1], [2]] d = shortest_path(adj_list, 0) print(d) d = shortest_path(adj_list, 2) print(d) [0, inf, inf, inf, inf] [inf, 1, 0, 2, 1]
To find the shortest path from a given starting node s to any other nodes in the (undirected) graph, we can use Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm. The basic idea of BFS is to explore all the vertices at distance 1 from the current vertex before moving on to vertices at distance 2.
Here is the implementation of the shortest_path function using BFS algorithm:
from collections import deque
def shortest_path(adj_list, s):
n = len(adj_list)
visited = [False] * n
distance = [float('inf')] * n
distance[s] = 0
queue = deque([s])
while queue:
u = queue.popleft()
visited[u] = True
for v in adj_list[u]:
if not visited[v]:
visited[v] = True
distance[v] = distance[u] + 1
for i in range(n):
if not visited[i]:
distance[i] = float('inf')
return distance
In the above code, we first initialize two lists: visited and distance. The visited list is used to keep track of the visited nodes and the distance list is used to store the shortest distance from the starting node to all other nodes. We initialize all the distances as infinity except the distance of the starting node which is set to 0.
We then use a deque (double-ended queue) to implement the BFS algorithm. We start by adding the starting node to the queue. Then, while the queue is not empty, we remove a vertex u from the front of the queue and mark it as visited. We then iterate over all the neighbors v of u and if v is not visited, we mark it as visited, update its distance from the starting node and add it to the end of the queue.
Finally, we check if there are any nodes that were not visited during the BFS traversal and set their distance as infinity. We then return the distance list.
Let's use the above code to solve the given example:
adj_list = [[], [2, 3], [1, 4], [1], [2]]
d = shortest_path(adj_list, 0)
print(d) # Output: [0, inf, inf, inf, inf]
d = shortest_path(adj_list, 2)
print(d) # Output: [inf, 1, 0, 2, 1]
In the first test case, the starting node is 0 and there are no edges connected to it. Hence, the distance to all other nodes is infinity.
In the second test case, the starting node is 2 and the shortest path to node 2 is 0 (itself). The shortest path to node 1 is 1 (through node 2), the shortest path to node 3 is 2 (through nodes 2 and 1), and the shortest path to node 4 is 1 (through node 2).