JavaScript 1.在函数objectTest()内部定义了六个变量a、b、c、d、e、f,并已经赋值,你需要判断它们各是什么数据类型;a ={name:"myName", id:2};b =[1, true, 2] c=1 d="1" e=true f I
时间: 2024-09-28 19:03:59 浏览: 50
1. a 定义了一个对象:`{ name: "myName", id: 2 }`,因此它的类型是 `object`。
2. b 是一个数组:`[1, true, 2]`,所以类型是 `array`。
3. c 被赋值为数字1,其类型是 `number`。
4. d 被赋值为字符串"1",类型是 `string`。
5. e 被赋值为布尔值true,类型是 `boolean`。
6. f 因为缺少赋值,它将默认为undefined。
let a = {name:"myName", id:2}; // a is an object, so aType will be 'object'
let b = [1, true, 2]; // b is an array, so bType will be 'object' because in JavaScript arrays are objects too
let c = 1; // c is a number, so cType will be 'number'
let d = "1"; // d is a string, so dType will be 'string'
let e = true; // e is a boolean, so eType will be 'boolean'
let f; // f is undefined, so fType will be 'undefined'
var aType = typeof a; // aType: 'object'
var bType = typeof b; // bType: 'object' (for arrays in JS, it's the same as for objects)
var cType = typeof c; // cType: 'number'
var dType = typeof d; // dType: 'string'
var eType = typeof e; // eType: 'boolean'
var fType = typeof f; // fType: 'undefined'