Suppressing update on existing ns-3.37 directory containing a non-master branch Exiting...
时间: 2024-09-10 18:12:03 浏览: 55
在NS-3(Network Simulator 3)中,如果你有一个版本为3.37的目录,并且这个目录里包含了非master分支,有时候你想更新时不希望改变该分支的状态,可以使用`git`命令来实现“忽略对现有分支的更新”。这通常发生在你需要保留特定分支的某个状态,而不想因为合并新更改导致分支历史改变。
1. 切换到你要保护的分支,比如假设是`my-non-master-branch`:
git checkout my-non-master-branch
2. 添加远程仓库的master分支到忽略列表,这样当你运行`git pull`时不会自动合并master的变化:
git remote set-head origin master --no-fetch
3. 然后你可以安全地进行常规的`git pull`操作而不影响非master分支,除非你明确指定要合并或切换到master:
git pull <other-remote> <other-branch>
选项--targets FILENAME--non-recursive (-N)--quiet (-q)--config-dir DIR--no-ignore--auto-props--no-auto-props--force
The provided options appear to be related to a command-line utility or tool that likely has flags for various functionalities. Here's a brief explanation of each option:
1. `--targets FILENAME`: This flag specifies a file containing a list of targets for the tool to operate on. It allows you to input multiple targets from a single external file.
2. `--non-recursive (-N)`: If included, the tool will not perform actions recursively; it will only act on the specified targets directly, not any subdirectories.
3. `--quiet (-q)`: This flag requests a quieter output, which might mean suppressing some messages or reducing the verbosity of the tool's output.
4. `--config-dir DIR`: Specifies the directory where configuration files are stored, allowing the tool to read and use settings from that location.
5. `--no-ignore`: By default, the tool might ignore certain patterns or files. This flag disables that behavior, making it process everything without ignoring specific items.
6. `--auto-props`: Enables automatic property detection or generation, likely for files that support metadata or custom properties.
7. `--no-auto-props`: If present, overrides the automatic property detection, forcing the tool to not use any detected properties.
8. `--force`: This flag usually implies that the tool should proceed with its action even if there are potential conflicts or existing changes that could be overwritten.
To use these options in a command, they would typically be appended to the command name, like this:
tool --targets mytargets.txt --non-recursive -q --config-dir /path/to/config --no-ignore --auto-props --force
However, without knowing the specific tool, it's difficult to provide a demonstration. The actual syntax and behavior may vary depending on the tool in question.