for line in lines: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
时间: 2023-11-13 22:56:30 浏览: 185
这个错误通常是因为 `lines` 变量的值为 `None`,而 `None` 是不可迭代的。你需要检查一下 `lines` 变量的赋值语句,看看是否正确地给它赋了值。
如果你确定 `lines` 变量已经被正确地赋值了,那么可能是在之前的代码中修改了 `lines` 变量的类型,使得它不再是可迭代的类型。你可以在出错的代码行之前打印一下 `lines` 变量的值,看看它的类型是否正确。
for line_1 in lines: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
File "D:/elevator_project/venv/", line 29, in <module> for line in lines: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
This error occurs when you try to iterate over a variable that has a value of `None`. In this case, it seems like the variable `lines` is not being assigned a value properly.
To resolve this error, you should check where `lines` is being assigned a value and make sure that it is not `None`. You could also add a check to ensure that `lines` has a value before trying to iterate over it. For example:
if lines is not None:
for line in lines:
# process each line
# handle the case where lines is None