LCD offset
时间: 2024-08-13 19:05:08 浏览: 87
LCD 控制器通常会计算并设置一个适当的offset值,以便根据屏幕尺寸和内存布局来正确地映射数据。
void LCD_Init(void) { IO_INIT(); //IO口初始化 P0SEL &= 0xFE; //让P0.0为普通IO口, P0DIR |= 0x01; //让P0.0为为输出 P1SEL &= 0x73; //让 P1.2 P1.3 P1.7为普通IO口 P1DIR |= 0x8C; //把 P1.2 P1.3 1.7设置为输出 LCD_SCL=1; LCD_RST=0; LCD_DLY_ms(50); LCD_RST=1; //从上电到下面开始初始化要有足够的时间,即等待RC复位完毕 LCD_WrCmd(0xae);//--turn off oled panel LCD_WrCmd(0x00);//---set low column address LCD_WrCmd(0x10);//---set high column address LCD_WrCmd(0x40);//--set start line address Set Mapping RAM Display Start Line (0x00~0x3F) LCD_WrCmd(0x81);//--set contrast control register LCD_WrCmd(0xcf); // Set SEG Output Current Brightness LCD_WrCmd(0xa1);//--Set SEG/Column Mapping 0xa0左右反置 0xa1正常 LCD_WrCmd(0xc8);//Set COM/Row Scan Direction 0xc0上下反置 0xc8正常 LCD_WrCmd(0xa6);//--set normal display LCD_WrCmd(0xa8);//--set multiplex ratio(1 to 64) LCD_WrCmd(0x3f);//--1/64 duty LCD_WrCmd(0xd3);//-set display offset Shift Mapping RAM Counter (0x00~0x3F) LCD_WrCmd(0x00);//-not offset LCD_WrCmd(0xd5);//--set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency LCD_WrCmd(0x80);//--set divide ratio, Set Clock as 100 Frames/Sec LCD_WrCmd(0xd9);//--set pre-charge period LCD_WrCmd(0xf1);//Set Pre-Charge as 15 Clocks & Discharge as 1 Clock LCD_WrCmd(0xda);//--set com pins hardware configuration LCD_WrCmd(0x12); LCD_WrCmd(0xdb);//--set vcomh LCD_WrCmd(0x40);//Set VCOM Deselect Level LCD_WrCmd(0x20);//-Set Page Addressing Mode (0x00/0x01/0x02) LCD_WrCmd(0x02);// LCD_WrCmd(0x8d);//--set Charge Pump enable/disable LCD_WrCmd(0x14);//--set(0x10) disable LCD_WrCmd(0xa4);// Disable Entire Display On (0xa4/0xa5) LCD_WrCmd(0xa6);// Disable Inverse Display On (0xa6/a7) LCD_WrCmd(0xaf);//--turn on oled panel LCD_Fill(0); //初始清屏 LCD_Set_Pos(0,0); }
这段代码是一个 OLED 显示屏的初始化函数,主要是对 OLED 的各种参数进行设置,包括显示模式、亮度、偏移量等。其中的 LCD_Fill(0) 函数是用来清屏的,将 OLED 上的所有像素点都设置为黑色。另外,LCD_Set_Pos(0,0) 函数是用来设置 OLED 的显示位置的,一般在初始化完成后会将光标移动到左上角。
configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntpServer); printLocalTime(); WiFi.disconnect(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("WiFi discont!"); }
This code sets the time on a device using an NTP server and then prints the current local time on an LCD display. It then disconnects from the WiFi network and turns off the WiFi module. Finally, it clears the LCD display and prints a message indicating that the WiFi has been disconnected.