Run a Cox proportional hazards model (named Model 1), with arms, cd40, age, wtkg, homo, race, gender as the variables. In this Cox model, you need to treat arms as a factor, so you need to replace arms with factor(arms), or deal with it using dummy variables. Which variables have statistically significant effects on survival experience? Moreover, can you test the null hypothesis that all four therapies have the same effect on survival experience?用中文介绍这道题
时间: 2024-02-05 17:04:41 浏览: 72
R语言解决这个问题Run a Cox proportional hazards model (named Model 1), with arms, cd40, age, wtkg, homo, race, gender as the variables. In this Cox model, you need to treat arms as a factor, so you need to replace arms with factor(arms), or deal with it using dummy variables. Which variables have statistically significant effects on survival experience? Moreover, can you test the null hypothesis that all four therapies have the same effect on survival experience?
可以使用以下代码在R语言中运行Cox比例风险模型(Model 1),其中arms, cd40, age, wtkg, homo, race, gender作为自变量,arms需要被视为因子变量:
# 数据集为data
model1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(arms) + cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = data)
# 运行四个治疗方式分别的Cox模型
model2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(arms == 2) + cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = data)
model3 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(arms == 3) + cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = data)
model4 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(arms == 4) + cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = data)
# 对模型进行比较
anova(model1, model2, model3, model4)
在上述代码中,`factor(arms == 2)`表示arms变量等于2时的因子水平,`factor(arms == 3)`表示arms变量等于3时的因子水平,`factor(arms == 4)`表示arms变量等于4时的因子水平。`anova()`函数用于对多个模型进行比较,输出的结果中,如果P值小于0.05,则可以拒绝所有治疗方式对生存经验具有相同影响的空假设。
Fit a Weibull model with arms, cd40, age, wtkg, homo, race, gender as the explanatory variables. Compare the outputs of this Weibull model and Cox Model 1 in Assignment 3.我要R语言代码
# Fit a Weibull model with arms, cd40, age, wtkg, homo, race, gender as the explanatory variables
weibull_model <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ arms + cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = mydata, dist = "weibull")
# Print the summary of the Weibull model
# Fit Cox Model 1 from Assignment 3
cox_model1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ cd40 + age + wtkg + homo + race + gender, data = mydata)
# Print the summary of Cox Model 1