A collection of particles is contained in a linear chamber. They all have the same speed, but some are headed toward the right and others are headed toward the left. These particles can pass through each other without disturbing the motion of the particles, so all the particles will leave the chamber relatively quickly. You will be given the initial conditions by a String init containing at each position an 'L' for a leftward moving particle, an 'R' for a rightward moving particle, or a '.' for an empty location. init shows all the positions in the chamber. Initially, no location in the chamber contains two particles passing through each other. We would like an animation of the process. At each unit of time, we want a string showing occupied locations with an 'X' and unoccupied locations with a '.'. Create a class Animation that contains a method animate that is given an int speed and a String init giving the initial conditions. The speed is the number of positions each particle moves in one time unit. The method will return an array of strings in which each successive element shows the occupied locations at the next time unit. The first element of the return should show the occupied locations at the initial instant (at time = 0) in the 'X', '.' format. The last element in the return should show the empty chamber at the first time that it becomes empty. Please write python code with comments, and include a test case.
时间: 2024-01-20 12:04:34 浏览: 131
The influence of the characteristics of a collection of particles on the scattered spectral density and its applications
以下是符合题意的 Python 代码及注释:
class Animation:
def animate(speed, init):
# 初始化粒子位置列表
particles = list(init)
# 初始化结果列表
result = [init]
# 当粒子列表不为空时循环
while any(particles):
# 初始化下一时刻粒子位置列表
next_particles = ['.'] * len(particles)
# 遍历当前粒子位置列表
for i in range(len(particles)):
# 如果当前位置有粒子
if particles[i] != '.':
# 如果粒子向右移动
if particles[i] == 'R':
# 计算下一时刻粒子位置
j = i + speed
# 如果下一时刻粒子位置没有超出列表范围
if j < len(particles):
# 将下一时刻粒子位置设为 'X'
next_particles[j] = 'X'
# 如果粒子向左移动
# 计算下一时刻粒子位置
j = i - speed
# 如果下一时刻粒子位置没有超出列表范围
if j >= 0:
# 将下一时刻粒子位置设为 'X'
next_particles[j] = 'X'
# 将下一时刻粒子位置列表转换成字符串并添加到结果列表
# 将下一时刻粒子位置列表赋值给当前粒子位置列表
particles = next_particles
# 返回结果列表
return result
assert Animation.animate(2, "..R....") == ["..X....", "....X..", "......X", ".......", ]