import pandas as pd import numpy as np cjtyl = {'小红的成绩':[91,93,96,95],'小明的成绩':[93,94,94,92]} dftyl=pd.DataFrame(cjtyl) print(dftyl) dftyl["平均分"]=['语文','数学' ,'化学','物理'] print('添加平均分列: n',dftyl) dftyl.to_excel(r'C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\taoyilin.xlsx',index=False) rdfb=pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\taoyilin.xlsx',index_col=0) tyl1=dftyl.head((dftyl['小红的成绩'],['小明的成绩 ']> 93)) print(tyl1) tyl2=dftyl.iloc[1:2] print(tyl2) tyl3=dftyl.iloc[['数学','化学' ],['小明的成绩','平均分' ]] print(tyl3)
时间: 2023-09-15 14:19:46 浏览: 71
The code you provided seems to have some errors. Let's go through them one by one:
1. In the line `tyl1=dftyl.head((dftyl['小红的成绩'],['小明的成绩 ']> 93))`, you are using double parentheses instead of square brackets for indexing. Also, there is a space after `'小明的成绩'` which should be removed. The corrected code should be:
tyl1 = dftyl[dftyl['小红的成绩'] > 93]
2. In the line `tyl3=dftyl.iloc[['数学','化学' ],['小明的成绩','平均分' ]]`, you are using `iloc` with label-based indexing, which is not supported. Instead, you can use `loc` for label-based indexing. Also, the column names should be enclosed in square brackets, not parentheses. The corrected code should be:
tyl3 = dftyl.loc[['数学','化学'], ['小明的成绩','平均分']]
Please make these corrections and try running the code again. Let me know if you have any further questions!