action client not connected: arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory
时间: 2023-04-29 16:06:13 浏览: 645
该错误信息提示:“b'action client not connected: arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory”,意思是没有连接到动作客户端:arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory。
ction client not connected: gripper_controller/follow_joint_trajectory
As an AI language model, I don't have enough context to provide a specific answer. However, this error message usually means that the robot's gripper controller is attempting to execute a joint trajectory, but the client is not connected. This can happen if there is an issue with the communication between the controller and the client, or if the client is not properly configured. Some possible solutions include checking the network connection, verifying that the client is properly configured, and restarting the gripper controller. It may also be helpful to consult the documentation or seek assistance from the manufacturer or a technical support team.
Input Source operations connected to node model_1/feature_extractor_1/sequential_70/res_block_15/sequential_73/conv2d_47/Conv2D_1: model_1/feature_extractor_1/sequential_70/res_block_14/re_lu_50/Relu_1 (defined at D:\DEM\8m DEM along track all\GF-7_Stereo_Matching-master\DSMNet\code\
这段代码是 TensorFlow 中的计算图连接操作,它描述了一个节点的输入来源。在这里,节点名称为 model_1/feature_extractor_1/sequential_70/res_block_15/sequential_73/conv2d_47/Conv2D_1,它是一个卷积层的输出。这个卷积层是一个残差块中的第二个卷积层,它的名称为 conv2d_47。它的输入节点是 model_1/feature_extractor_1/sequential_70/res_block_14/re_lu_50/Relu_1,这是残差块中的第一个激活函数,它使用了 relu 函数对卷积结果进行了激活。这个节点的定义在 文件的第 41 行。