WORD32 ipv6_srv6_pmtu_header_handle(struct mbuf *m, packet *p, BOOLEAN *bIsV4, WORD32 *dwpmtu) { WORD32 dwRet = ROSNG_SUCCESS; WORD32 dwOffSet = 0; struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = NULL; ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *); if(NULL == ip6) { goto rtn; } if( (IPPROTO_ROUTING != ip6->ip6_nxt) && (IPPROTO_IPV6 != ip6->ip6_nxt) && (IPPROTO_IPV4 != ip6->ip6_nxt) && (IPPROTO_ETHERNET_OVER_SRV6 != ip6->ip6_nxt) && (IPPROTO_NONE != ip6->ip6_nxt) ) { /* 非SRH、v6和v4 */ dwRet = ROSNG_PARAM_ERROR; goto rtn; } dwOffSet = ip6_over_srv6_header_offset(m, bIsV4); if(SRV6_PMTU_OFFSET_ERROR == dwOffSet) { dwRet = ROSNG_PARAM_ERROR; goto rtn; } if(dwOffSet < *dwpmtu) { *dwpmtu -= dwOffSet; /* 获取内层实际pmtu */ } else { dwRet = ROSNG_PARAM_ERROR; goto rtn; } if(TRUE == *bIsV4) { p->pkt_data += dwOffSet; p->pkt_datalen -= dwOffSet; } else { atd_m_adj(m, dwOffSet); } rtn: return dwRet; } 给这个函数写一个TEST(a,b)格式的C语言ft测试用例
时间: 2023-12-31 18:07:14 浏览: 144
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ft.h"
// Mocking the required structures and functions for testing purposes
struct mbuf {
char *data;
struct ip6_hdr {
int ip6_nxt;
typedef struct packet {
char *pkt_data;
int pkt_datalen;
} packet;
int ip6_over_srv6_header_offset(struct mbuf *m, BOOLEAN *bIsV4) {
return 10;
// The actual test case function
void test_ipv6_srv6_pmtu_header_handle() {
// Initialize the test variables
WORD32 dwRet;
WORD32 dwpmtu = 20;
// Create a mock packet
packet p;
p.pkt_data = "Test Packet";
p.pkt_datalen = strlen(p.pkt_data);
// Create a mock mbuf
struct mbuf m;
m.data = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(p.pkt_data) + 1);
strcpy(m.data, p.pkt_data);
// Call the function to be tested
dwRet = ipv6_srv6_pmtu_header_handle(&m, &p, &bIsV4, &dwpmtu);
// Assert the expected output
ft_assert_int_equals(dwRet, ROSNG_SUCCESS);
ft_assert_int_equals(dwpmtu, 10);
ft_assert_string_equals(p.pkt_data, "t Packet");
// Free the dynamically allocated memory
// The main function to run the test case
int main() {
// Run the test case
// Print the test results
// Return success
return 0;