Displays visualization_msgs::MarkerArray messages without presuming the topic name ends in "_array"
时间: 2024-03-09 09:46:32 浏览: 142
To display visualization_msgs::MarkerArray messages without presuming the topic name ends in "_array", you can use the rviz MarkerArray display plugin. Here are the steps to do it:
1. Launch rviz:
rosrun rviz rviz
2. Add a MarkerArray display plugin to the rviz window:
- Click the "Add" button on the left panel.
- Select "MarkerArray" from the list of display types.
- Click "OK".
3. Configure the MarkerArray display plugin:
- In the "Topic" field, enter the name of the topic that publishes the MarkerArray messages.
- If needed, adjust the other parameters such as "Queue Size", "Frame" and "Namespace".
- Click "OK".
4. View the MarkerArray messages:
- The MarkerArray messages should now be displayed in the rviz window.
- You can adjust the display properties such as color, size, shape, etc. by using the "Properties" panel on the right.
Note that the MarkerArray messages should follow the format specified in the visualization_msgs/MarkerArray message type, regardless of the topic name.