IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
时间: 2024-01-02 20:05:19 浏览: 155
This error occurs when you are trying to access an element of an empty numpy array.
For example, if you have an empty numpy array a = np.array([]) and you try to access the last element using a[-1], you will get this error because there is no element at index -1 in an empty array.
To avoid this error, you should always check the size of the array before accessing its elements. For example, you can use the len() function to check if an array is empty or not:
a = np.array([])
if len(a) > 0:
last_element = a[-1]
# Do something with last_element
# Handle empty array case
改成shape后断言正确,但是又报错,找不到索引:i = torch.sigmoid(torch.matmul(x, self.W_i_forward) + torch.matmul(h_forward_new[-1], self.U_i_forward) + self.b_i_forward) IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
这个错误的原因是 `h_forward_new` 这个变量的长度为0,因此无法使用索引 -1 来获取最后一个元素。你需要确保在使用 `h_forward_new` 变量之前,它已经被正确地初始化了。另外,你还需要检查代码的逻辑是否正确,比如在某些情况下,`h_forward_new` 可能会为空,这时你需要特判处理。
另外,你可以使用 `print()` 函数来输出 `h_forward_new` 的长度或形状,以便更好地理解代码的执行过程,例如:
print("h_forward_new:", h_forward_new.shape)
这样就可以查看 `h_forward_new` 的长度或形状了,从而更好地理解和调试代码。
IndexError: index -54842 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 45159