Random.choice() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
时间: 2024-01-21 10:14:37 浏览: 593
Random.choice()函数是Python中的一个随机选择函数,用于从给定的序列中随机选择一个元素。根据你提供的引用内容,你可能在使用Random.choice()函数时传递了3个参数,但该函数只接受2个位置参数。这就是为什么会出现"Random.choice() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given"的错误消息。
import random
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
random_element = random.choice(my_list)
transforms.Compose takes 2 positional arguments but 5 were given
`Compose` 是 PyTorch 的图像处理模块 `torchvision.transforms` 中的一个函数,它用于组合多个转换操作,形成一个数据预处理流水线。当你在使用 `Compose` 函数时,通常需要传入两个参数:
1. 转换列表 (transforms): 这是一个包含一系列 torchvision.transforms 对象的序列,例如 `ToTensor()`、`Resize()` 等,它们会被按照列表的顺序依次应用到输入数据上。
2. 变换后的大小 (target size): 如果某个变换需要指定输出尺寸(如 Resize 函数),那么这个参数就很重要。
transform = Compose([
多余的参数可能会导致错误,你需要检查一下提供的参数并确认是否只给了两个主要的 `transforms` 列表和目标大小。
ClientSession.get() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
This error message indicates that you are passing three arguments to the `get()` method of a `ClientSession` object, but it only expects two.
To fix this error, you should check the documentation for the `get()` method and make sure you are passing the correct number and type of arguments.
Possible reasons for this error could be:
- You are passing an extra argument that is not needed or expected by the `get()` method.
- You are missing an argument that is required by the `get()` method.
- You are passing the arguments in the wrong order.