TypeError: Conflict register for file "Item.proto": PET is already defined in file "Activity.proto". Please fix the conflict by adding package name on the proto file, or use different name for the duplication. Note: enum values appear as siblings of the enum type instead of children of it.
时间: 2024-04-14 20:26:25 浏览: 330
1. 给这两个文件(Item.proto 和 Activity.proto)添加包名(package name)来区分它们。在.proto文件的开头,添加类似于下面的语句:
syntax = "proto3";
package com.example;
2. 如果你确实需要在两个文件中使用相同的枚举类型,那么可以考虑给其中一个枚举类型重命名,以避免冲突。在.proto文件中找到重复定义的枚举类型,修改它的名称即可。
另外,关于你提到的“enum values appear as siblings of the enum type instead of children of it”,这是proto3版本的一个特性。在proto3中,枚举值不再作为枚举类型的子元素,而是作为它们的同级元素。因此,在.proto文件中,你可以将枚举值定义在枚举类型的后面,而不需要嵌套在其中。
TypeError: lstm.run(....).map is not a function
This error message is indicating that you are trying to call the `map` function on the output of the `run` method of an object called `lstm`, but `map` is not a function that can be called on the returned value.
There could be a few reasons for this error, including:
1. The `run` method of the `lstm` object may not actually return an iterable object that can be mapped over. In this case, you may need to modify your code to handle the output of `run` differently.
2. It's possible that there is a typo or mistake in your code that is causing the `map` function to be called on the wrong object or in the wrong context.
3. There may be a problem with the `lstm` object itself, such as it not being properly initialized or configured, which is causing the error to occur.
To fix this error, you may need to review your code and/or consult the documentation or source code for the `lstm` object to determine the correct way to use its `run` method and handle its output.
TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(...).getAttribute is not a function
This error occurs when you try to call the `getAttribute()` method on a NodeList returned by `querySelectorAll()` method. The `querySelectorAll()` method returns a collection of nodes that match a specified CSS selector, not a single element with an attribute.
To fix this error, you need to iterate over the NodeList using a loop and call the `getAttribute()` method on each element in the collection.
Here's an example:
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.my-class');
elements.forEach(element => {
const attributeValue = element.getAttribute('data-my-attribute');
In this example, we are selecting all elements with a class of `my-class`, iterating over the collection using the `forEach()` method, and calling the `getAttribute()` method on each element to retrieve the value of the `data-my-attribute` attribute.