oracle 中over(partition by name)
时间: 2024-05-03 08:16:59 浏览: 120
在 Oracle 中,窗口函数 `OVER()` 可以用来计算每个分区内的聚合值。`PARTITION BY` 子句用于将数据分成不同的分区,而 `OVER()` 子句指定了在每个分区中进行聚合计算的方式。
举个例子,如果你有一个 `employee` 表,其中包含 `name` 和 `salary` 两列,你可以使用以下语句计算每个员工在其部门内的平均工资:
SELECT name, salary, AVG(salary) OVER(PARTITION BY department_id) as avg_salary
FROM employee;
这将返回一个结果集,其中每行包含每个员工的姓名、薪水和其所在部门的平均工资。利用 `PARTITION BY` 子句将数据分成了不同的分区,每个分区对应一个部门,然后使用 `AVG()` 聚合函数计算每个分区内的平均工资值。最后,使用 `OVER()` 子句将聚合计算的结果添加到每个员工的行中。
oracle count over partition by,over (Partition by...) of oracle
The "COUNT OVER PARTITION BY" clause in Oracle is used to calculate the count of rows within a specific partition or group of rows. The "PARTITION BY" clause is used to divide the result set into partitions based on one or more columns. The "OVER" clause is used to specify the window or range of rows that the function should operate on.
Here is an example of how to use "COUNT OVER PARTITION BY" in Oracle:
SELECT column1, column2, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY column1) as count_column1
FROM table_name;
This query will return the count of rows for each unique value in column1. The "OVER (PARTITION BY column1)" clause specifies that the count should be calculated within each partition of rows that have the same value in column1.
Oracle中的OVER(PARTITION BY)用于对查询结果进行分组和汇总。
具体来说,OVER(PARTITION BY)语句将查询结果分成多个分组,每个分组内的数据都具有相同的分组键值。然后,可以在每个分组内进行聚合计算,例如求和、求平均值等。
SELECT department, name, salary, AVG(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY department) as avg_salary
FROM employees;
在这个查询中,使用了OVER(PARTITION BY department)语句将查询结果按照department字段进行分组。然后,对每个分组内的salary字段进行平均值计算,并将结果存储在avg_salary字段中。