if __name__ == '__main__': draw_cs() mainloop()
This code is using the "if name == 'main':" idiom to ensure that the "draw_cs()" function is only called if the script is being run directly (as opposed to being imported as a module).
Then, the "draw_cs()" function is called, which presumably draws a coordinate system.
Finally, the "mainloop()" function is called, which is likely a function provided by a graphics library or GUI toolkit that waits for user input or events and updates the display as necessary.
Overall, this code is likely part of a larger program that draws a coordinate system and waits for user input or events to do something with it.
if __name__ == "__main__": main() turtle.mainloop()
"If name == "main": main() turtle.mainloop()" 包含两部分代码。
第一部分是 "if name == "main": main()"。这是Python中的一种特殊语法结构,它的作用是判断当前代码是否作为主程序被直接运行。
第二部分是 "turtle.mainloop()"。这是用来启动Python中的turtle图形界面。
if __name__ == '__main__': n = Login() n.mainloop()这段代码的意思
这段代码是一个 Python 程序的入口函数,if name == 'main': 表示只有在该文件被直接运行时才执行以下代码,而不是被导入到其他模块中时执行。n = Login() 创建一个 Login 对象并将其赋值给变量 n,mainloop() 是 Tkinter 库中的一个方法,它用于进入主事件循环,处理 GUI 事件,直到用户关闭程序窗口。因此,该程序的作用是打开一个 GUI 程序的登录窗口,并在用户登录成功后进入主界面的事件循环。