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根据提供的引用内容,我们可以了解到FR算法是一种无约束最优化方法,可以用于求解无约束最优化问题。下面是FR算法的Matlab代码实现: ```matlab function [x, fval, exitflag, output] = FR(fun, x0, options) % FR - Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method % [x, fval, exitflag, output] = FR(fun, x0) starts at x0 and attempts to % find a local minimum of the function fun. fun is a function handle. x0 % is a column vector. The function fun(x) should return a scalar value. % % [x, fval, exitflag, output] = FR(fun, x0, options) minimizes with the % default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure % options, created with the OPTIMOPTIONS function. % % The FR function can be called with a function handle and an initial % guess as follows: % x = FR(@fun, x0); % % The function returns the minimum value of the function and the % corresponding values of the variables. % % The function can also be called with additional options as follows: % options = optimoptions('FR', 'TolFun', 1e-6, 'MaxIter', 1000); % x = FR(@fun, x0, options); % % The available options are: % TolFun - Termination tolerance on the function value (default: 1e-6) % MaxIter - Maximum number of iterations allowed (default: 1000) % % The function returns the following: % x - Minimum value of the function % fval - Value of the function at the minimum % exitflag - Reason for stopping % 1 - Function value below TolFun % 2 - Maximum number of iterations reached % output - Structure containing output information iterations - Number of iterations performed % message - Termination message % % Example: % fun = @(x) x(1)^2 + x(2)^2; % x0 = [3; 4]; % x = FR(fun, x0); % % Reference: % Nocedal, J., & Wright, S. J. (2006). Numerical optimization % (2nd ed.). Springer. % % See also OPTIMOPTIONS. % Set default options defaultOptions.TolFun = 1e-6; defaultOptions.MaxIter = 1000; % Check for user-defined options if nargin < 3 options = []; end % Merge user-defined options with default options options = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options); % Initialize variables x = x0; fval = fun(x); g = grad(fun, x); d = -g; k = 0; % Main loop while norm(g) > options.TolFun && k < options.MaxIter % Compute step size alpha = linesearch(fun, x, d); % Update variables x = x + alpha*d; fval_old = fval; fval = fun(x); g_old = g; g = grad(fun, x); % Compute beta beta = (g'*g)/(g_old'*g_old); % Update direction d = -g + beta*d; % Update iteration count k = k + 1; end % Set exit flag and output message if norm(g) <= options.TolFun exitflag = 1; message = 'Function value below TolFun'; else exitflag = 2; message = 'Maximum number of iterations reached'; end % Set output structure output.iterations = k; output.message = message; end function g = grad(fun, x) % Compute gradient of function at point x h = 1e-6; n = length(x); g = zeros(n, 1); for i = 1:n e = zeros(n, 1); e(i) = 1; g(i) = (fun(x+h*e) - fun(x-h*e))/(2*h); end end function alpha = linesearch(fun, x, d) % Compute step size using backtracking line search alpha = 1; rho = 0.5; c = 1e-4; fval = fun(x); g = grad(fun, x); while fun(x+alpha*d) > fval + c*alpha*(g'*d) alpha = rho*alpha; end end function options = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, options) % Merge user-defined options with default options if isempty(options) options = defaultOptions; else fields = fieldnames(defaultOptions); for i = 1:length(fields) if ~isfield(options, fields{i}) options.(fields{i}) = defaultOptions.(fields{i}); end end end end ```


%% MSR % I=imread('C:\Users\sensen\Desktop\雾霾天气素材\1.jpg'); wu1 = rgb2gray(I); fr=I(:,:,1); fg=I(:,:,2); fb=I(:,:,3); mr=im2double(fr); mg=im2double(fg); mb=im2double(fb); n=141;%定义模板大小。 kid=141; n1=floor((n+1)/2);%确定中心 a1=60; %定义标准差(尺度) kid=60; for i=1:n for j=1:n b(i,j) =exp(-((i-n1)^2+(j-n1)^2)/(a1*a1))/(pi*a1*a1); %高斯函数。 end end nr1=imfilter(mr,b,'conv','replicate'); ng1=imfilter(mg,b,'conv','replicate'); nb1=imfilter(mb,b,'conv','replicate');%卷积滤波。 ur1=log(nr1); ug1=log(ng1); ub1=log(nb1); tr1=log(mr+eps);tg1=log(mg+eps);tb1=log(mb+eps); yr1=(tr1-ur1)/3;yg1=(tg1-ug1)/3;yb1=(tb1-ub1)/3; a2=10; %定义标准差(尺度) for i=1:n for j=1:n a(i,j) =exp(-((i-n1)^2+(j-n1)^2)/(a2*a2))/(pi*a2*a2); %高斯函数。 end end nr2=imfilter(mr,a,'conv','replicate'); ng2=imfilter(mg,a,'conv','replicate'); nb2=imfilter(mb,a,'conv','replicate');%卷积滤波。 ur2=log(nr2);ug2=log(ng2);ub2=log(nb2); tr2=log(mr+eps);tg2=log(mg+eps);tb2=log(mb+eps); yr2=(tr2-ur2)/3;yg2=(tg2-ug2)/3;yb2=(tb2-ub2)/3; a3=150; %定义标准差(尺度)kid=150; for i=1:n for j=1:n e(i,j) =exp(-((i-n1)^2+(j-n1)^2)/(a3*a3))/(pi*a3*a3); %高斯函数。 end end nr3=imfilter(mr,e,'conv','replicate'); ng3=imfilter(mg,e,'conv','replicate'); nb3=imfilter(mb,e,'conv','replicate');%卷积滤波。 ur3=log(nr3);ug3=log(ng3);ub3=log(nb3); tr3=log(mr+eps);tg3=log(mg+eps);tb3=log(mb+eps); yr3=(tr3-ur3)/3;yg3=(tg3-ug3)/3;yb3=(tb3-ub3)/3; dr=yr1+yr2+yr3;dg=yg1+yg2+yg3;db=yb1+yb2+yb3; cr=im2uint8(dr); cg=im2uint8(dg); cb=im2uint8(db); z=cat(3,cr,cg,cb); wu2 = rgb2gray(z); figure(2) subplot(2,2,1), imshow(I);title('原图'); subplot(2,2,2), imshow(z);title('MSR去雾后'); subplot(2,2,3), imhist(wu1);title('原图-灰度'); subplot(2,2,4), imhist(wu2);title('SSR去雾后-灰度');








绿色植物的快速提取matlab程序 f = imread('t1.jpg'); h=fspecial('gaussian',15,0.8); fd=im2double(f); fdf=imfilter(fd,h,'replicate'); % %从滤波后的图像中分别提取红fr、绿fg、蓝平面fb % fr=fdf(:,:,1); fg=...




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