帮我翻译以下代码with open('result.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(result_list, f)
时间: 2024-01-08 13:02:13 浏览: 121
Sure! Here's the translation of the code:
with open('result.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(result_list, f)
import re import os import json masscan_path = "D:/0.脚本小子/Tools/masscan/masscan.exe" masscan_parser_path = "../Tools/Masscan-to-CSV/masscan_xml_parser.py" nmap_parser_path = "../Tools/Nmap-Scan-to-CSV/nmap_xml_parser.py" port_list_path = "./dict/ports-http-iamthefrogy.txt" port_list_fp = open(port_list_path, "r") port_list = port_list_fp.readline().strip() port_list_fp.close() # 判断IP是否符合规范 def check_ip(data): ip_pattern = re.compile(r'((2(5[0-5]|[0-4]\d))|[0-1]?\d{1,2})(\.((2(5[0 - 5] | [0 - 4]\d)) | [0 - 1]?\d{1, 2})){3}') result = ip_pattern.match(data) if result is None: return None else: return result.group(0) def filter_ip(): ip_filepath = "./result/ip.txt" # IP数据保存路径 ip_fp = open(ip_filepath, 'r') ip_list = ip_fp.readlines() ip_fp.close() ip_fp = open(ip_filepath, 'w') for ip in ip_list: ip = check_ip(ip) if ip is not None: ip_fp.write(ip + '\n') ip_fp.close() # NMap: csv -> json,提取IP和端口的映射 def read_nmap(data_name): ip2port = {} for item in open("./result/nmap/" + data_name + '.csv'): if item.count(',') > 5: ip = item.strip().split(',')[0] port = item.strip().split(',')[4] if ip != "IP": if ip in ip2port.keys(): ip2port[ip].append(port) else: ip2port[ip] = [port] with open("./result/nmap/" + data_name + '.json', "w") as json_fp: json.dump(ip2port, json_fp) # 执行nmap命令将数据保存为xml与csv格式 def nmap(save_name, need_scan=True): if need_scan: cmd = "nmap -Pn -p {} -oX {} -iL {}".format(port_list, "./result/nmap/" + save_name + ".xml", "./result/ip.txt") os.system(cmd) cmd = "python3 {} -f {} -csv {}".format( nmap_parser_path, "./result/nmap/" + save_name + ".xml", "./result/nmap/" + save_name + ".csv" ) os.system(cmd) read_nmap(save_name) # Masscan: csv -> json,提取IP和端口的映射 def read_masscan(data_name): ip2port = {} for item in open("./result/masscan/" + data_name + '.csv'): if item.count(',') > 5: ip = item.strip().split(',')[0] port = item.strip().split(',')[3] if ip != "IpAddr": if ip in ip2port.keys(): ip2port[ip].append(port) else: ip2port[ip] = [port] with open("./result/masscan/" + data_name + '.json', "w") as json_fp: json.dump(ip2port, json_fp) # 执行masscan命令将数据保存为xml与csv格式 def masscan(save_name, need_scan=True): if need_scan: cmd = "{} -iL {} -Pn -p {} -oX {}".format( masscan_path, "./result/ip.txt", port_list, "./result/masscan/" + save_name + ".xml" ) os.system(cmd) cmd = "python3 {} -f {} -csv {}".format( masscan_parser_path, "./result/masscan/" + save_name + ".xml", "./result/masscan/" + save_name + ".csv" ) os.system(cmd) read_masscan(save_name) # 端口探测主函数 def search_port(conf, filename): filter_ip() if conf['use_nmap']: nmap(filename) if conf['use_masscan']: masscan(filename) if __name__ == '__main__': filter_ip() fp = open("./config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") conf_json = json.load(fp) config = conf_json['ports'] search_port(config, '2023_1_8')
这段代码在导入 re、os、json 三个模块,并定义了 masscan_path、masscan_parser_path、nmap_parser_path、port_list_path 四个变量。masscan_path 变量定义了 masscan 程序的路径,masscan_parser_path 变量定义了 masscan 的 xml 解析器的路径,nmap_parser_path 变量定义了 nmap 的 xml 解析器的路径,port_list_path 变量定义了端口列表文件的路径。最后,代码打开了端口列表文件,读取了文件中的第一行,并将读取的内容赋值给 port_list 变量。最后关闭了文件。
编写一个 Python 程序,读取豆瓣电影 Top250 的数据,将数据保存到result.json文件中
好的,以下是 Python 代码实现:
import requests
import json
url = 'https://movie.douban.com/top250?start='
movies = []
for i in range(10):
start = i * 25
response = requests.get(url + str(start))
html = response.text
# 解析 html 提取电影信息
# ...
# 将电影信息保存到 result.json 文件中
with open('result.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(movies, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
其中,需要使用 requests 库发送 HTTP 请求,获取豆瓣电影 Top250 的页面数据。然后,通过解析 HTML 页面,提取出电影信息,保存到一个列表中。最后,使用 json.dump() 将列表中的电影信息保存到 result.json 文件中。