时间: 2023-09-29 13:07:15 浏览: 95
1. 定义无人机模型:我们需要定义无人机的动力学模型,包括其质量、惯性矩阵、电机转矩和传感器测量值等。
2. 设计PID控制器:我们需要设计一个基于PID控制器的控制器,用于维持无人机的稳定飞行。
3. 实现容错控制策略:我们需要实现一个容错控制策略,该策略可以检测到电机故障,并自动调整控制器以确保无人机的稳定飞行。
% Define drone model parameters
m = 0.5; % mass of the drone
I = [0.0023, 0, 0; 0, 0.0023, 0; 0, 0, 0.004]; % inertia matrix
g = 9.81; % gravity
d = 0.23; % distance from the center of the drone to the motor
k = 3e-6; % thrust coefficient
b = 1e-7; % drag coefficient
% Define PID controller gains
Kp = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]; % proportional gain
Ki = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]; % integral gain
Kd = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]; % derivative gain
% Define initial state of the drone
x0 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
% Define simulation time
tspan = [0, 10];
% Define motor failure time
t_fail = 5;
% Simulate the drone with PID control and fault detection
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) drone_dynamics(t, x, m, I, g, d, k, b, Kp, Ki, Kd, t_fail), tspan, x0);
% Plot the results
plot3(x(:, 1), x(:, 2), x(:, 3));
title('Drone Trajectory');
function dxdt = drone_dynamics(t, x, m, I, g, d, k, b, Kp, Ki, Kd, t_fail)
% Extract state variables
p = x(1:3); % position
v = x(4:6); % velocity
R = reshape(x(7:15), 3, 3); % rotation matrix
w = x(16:18); % angular velocity
e = x(19:21); % error integrator
t1 = x(22); % motor 1 thrust
t2 = x(23); % motor 2 thrust
t3 = x(24); % motor 3 thrust
t4 = x(25); % motor 4 thrust
% Check for motor failure
if t < t_fail
% All motors are functioning normally
f1 = k * t1^2;
f2 = k * t2^2;
f3 = k * t3^2;
f4 = k * t4^2;
% Motor 3 has failed
f1 = k * t1^2;
f2 = k * t2^2;
f3 = 0;
f4 = k * t4^2;
% Compute total thrust and moments
f = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4;
M = d * (f4 - f2) + b * (w(3) * (t2 - t4));
% Compute rotation matrix derivative
R_dot = R * hat(w);
% Compute acceleration and angular acceleration
a = (1 / m) * (R * [0; 0; f - m * g]);
alpha = inv(I) * (M - hat(w) * I * w);
% Compute error
e_dot = w - R' * hat(w) * R * e;
% Compute PID control
u = -Kp .* e - Ki .* e - Kd .* e_dot;
% Compute motor thrusts
t1_dot = sqrt((1 / (4 * k)) * (f + M / d - b * u(3) / (2 * k)));
t2_dot = sqrt((1 / (4 * k)) * (f - M / d + b * u(1) / (2 * k)));
t3_dot = sqrt((1 / (4 * k)) * (f - M / d - b * u(2) / (2 * k)));
t4_dot = sqrt((1 / (4 * k)) * (f + M / d + b * u(3) / (2 * k)));
% Compute state derivatives
dxdt = [v; a; reshape(R_dot, 9, 1); alpha; e_dot; t1_dot; t2_dot; t3_dot; t4_dot];
function w_hat = hat(w)
% Skew-symmetric matrix
w_hat = [0, -w(3), w(2); w(3), 0, -w(1); -w(2), w(1), 0];