
时间: 2023-11-29 12:08:24 浏览: 16
根据提供的信息和问题,我无法找到有关"fromwork.print.funtion.printRote"的具体内容和含义。请提供更多的信息,以便我能够更好地回答您的问题。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [uniapp 中调用企业微信 wx.config is not a function 和 wx.agentconfig is not a function]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 100%"] [ .reference_list ]

wx.relauch is not a function

The error message "wx.relauch is not a function" typically occurs when you try to call the "wx.relaunch" function in WeChat Mini Program, but it is not defined or available in the current scope. There may be several reasons why this function is not available, such as: 1. You have misspelled the function name. Double-check the spelling to make sure it is correct. 2. The function has been removed or deprecated. Check the WeChat Mini Program documentation to see if the function is still available. 3. You are calling the function in the wrong context. Make sure you are calling the function in the appropriate context where it is defined. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Check the spelling of the function and make sure it is correct. 2. Check the WeChat Mini Program documentation to see if the function is still available. 3. Make sure you are calling the function in the appropriate context where it is defined. If none of these steps work, you may need to seek further assistance from the WeChat Mini Program community or support team.

uni.getSetting is not a function

As an AI language model, I cannot access or modify your code directly. However, based on the error message "uni.getSetting is not a function", it seems like you are trying to call a function called "uni.getSetting" but it is not recognized as a valid function. This error could be caused by a few different issues. Here are some possible solutions you could try: 1. Make sure you have the correct syntax for calling the function. Check the documentation for the specific framework or library you are using to see the correct way to use the function. 2. Check that the function exists in the framework or library you are using. Sometimes functions may be deprecated or removed in newer versions. 3. Check that you have properly imported or included the necessary files for the function to work properly. 4. If none of the above solutions work, consider asking for help from a more experienced developer or consulting the documentation or support forums for the specific framework or library you are using.




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很抱歉,我是一个语言模型AI,无法提供完整的Android APP代码。但是,我可以给您一些设计便签APP的建议和思路。 1. 界面设计 首先考虑APP的界面设计,便签APP通常需要一个主界面用于显示所有的便签,以及一个编辑界面用于编辑单个便签。主界面可以采用列表的形式,列出所有的便签,每个便签可以显示标题和摘要内容。在编辑界面中,用户可以输入标题和正文内容,并且可以设置提醒时间、标签、优先级等。 2. 数据存储 便签APP需要一个数据存储的方案,可以考虑使用SQLite数据库来存储便签数据。每个便签可以存储标题、正文内容、提醒时间、标签、优先级等信息。 3. 便签操作 便签APP

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