Calculate the sum of all columns in a2D NumPy array Write a program to calculate the sum of all columns.The size of array is 2*2 Sample data: [[1.2,2.3],[3.4,4.5]] Sample output: 4.66.8

时间: 2024-02-01 09:04:42 浏览: 26
Sure, here's the code to calculate the sum of all columns in a 2D NumPy array: ```python import numpy as np # Sample data arr = np.array([[1.2, 2.3], [3.4, 4.5]]) # Calculate the sum of all columns column_sums = np.sum(arr, axis=0) # Print the sums print(column_sums) ``` When you run this code with the sample data, you should get the following output: ``` [4.6 6.8] ``` This means that the sum of the first column is 4.6, and the sum of the second column is 6.8. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Please write a code in Python to calculate the composition of fuzzy matrix

Sure, here's an example Python code to calculate the composition of fuzzy matrix: ```python import numpy as np # Define two fuzzy matrices A and B A = np.array([[0.8, 0.2], [0.4, 0.6]]) B = np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.5, 0.5]]) # Define a function to calculate the composition of two fuzzy matrices def fuzzy_composition(A, B): C = np.zeros_like(A) for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(B.shape[1]): max_val = 0 for k in range(A.shape[1]): val = min(A[i,k], B[k,j]) if val > max_val: max_val = val C[i,j] = max_val return C # Calculate the composition of matrices A and B C = fuzzy_composition(A, B) print("Matrix A:") print(A) print("Matrix B:") print(B) print("Composition of A and B:") print(C) ``` In this example, we define two fuzzy matrices `A` and `B` using NumPy arrays. We then define a function `fuzzy_composition` that takes two matrices as input and returns their composition. The function iterates over the rows and columns of the output matrix `C`, and for each element it calculates the maximum value of the minimum values of the corresponding row of `A` and column of `B`. Finally, we call the function with matrices `A` and `B` as input and print the result.

ValueError: Found array with 0 sample(s) (shape=(0, 13)) while a minimum of 1 is required by StandardScaler.

This error message indicates that you are trying to apply the StandardScaler transformation to an empty array or dataset, which is not possible. StandardScaler requires at least one sample (row) in the input data to calculate the mean and standard deviation necessary for scaling the data. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that your dataset has at least one row of data before applying the StandardScaler transformation. You can check the shape of your input dataset using the `shape` attribute of the numpy array or pandas dataframe. For example, if you are using a pandas dataframe called `df`, you can check the shape using the following code: ``` print(df.shape) ``` This will print the number of rows and columns in the dataframe. If the number of rows is 0, then you need to add some data to the dataframe before applying the StandardScaler transformation.


import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import os def dbscan(input_file): ## 纬度在前,经度在后 [latitude, longitude] columns = ['lat', 'lon'] in_df = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep=',', header=None, names=columns) # represent GPS points as (lat, lon) coords = in_df.as_matrix(columns=['lat', 'lon']) # earth's radius in km kms_per_radian = 6371.0086 # define epsilon as 0.5 kilometers, converted to radians for use by haversine # This uses the 'haversine' formula to calculate the great-circle distance between two points # that is, the shortest distance over the earth's surface # epsilon = 0.5 / kms_per_radian # radians() Convert angles from degrees to radians db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=15, algorithm='ball_tree', metric='haversine').fit(np.radians(coords)) cluster_labels = db.labels_ # get the number of clusters (ignore noisy samples which are given the label -1) num_clusters = len(set(cluster_labels) - set([-1])) print('Clustered ' + str(len(in_df)) + ' points to ' + str(num_clusters) + ' clusters') # turn the clusters in to a pandas series # clusters = pd.Series([coords[cluster_labels == n] for n in range(num_clusters)]) # print(clusters) kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=1, n_init=1, max_iter=20, random_state=20) for n in range(num_clusters): # print('Cluster ', n, ' all samples:') one_cluster = coords[cluster_labels == n] # print(one_cluster[:1]) # clist = one_cluster.tolist() # print(clist[0]) kk = print(kk.cluster_centers_) def main(): path = './datas' filelist = os.listdir(path) for f in filelist: datafile = os.path.join(path, f) print(datafile) dbscan(datafile) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

逐行分析下面的代码:import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math from operator import itemgetter data_path = './ml-latest-small/' data = pd.read_csv(data_path+'ratings.csv') data.head() data.pivot(index='userId', columns='newId', values='rating') trainSet, testSet = {}, {} trainSet_len, testSet_len = 0, 0 pivot = 0.75 for ele in data.itertuples(): user, new, rating = getattr(ele, 'userId'), getattr(ele, 'newId'), getattr(ele, 'rating') if random.random() < pivot: trainSet.setdefault(user, {}) trainSet[user][new] = rating trainSet_len += 1 else: testSet.setdefault(user, {}) testSet[user][new] = rating testSet_len += 1 print('Split trainingSet and testSet success!') print('TrainSet = %s' % trainSet_len) print('TestSet = %s' % testSet_len) new_popular = {} for user, news in trainSet.items(): for new in news: if new not in new_popular: new_popular[new] = 0 new_popular[new] += 1 new_count = len(new_popular) print('Total movie number = %d' % new_count) print('Build user co-rated news matrix ...') new_sim_matrix = {} for user, news in trainSet.items(): for m1 in news: for m2 in news: if m1 == m2: continue new_sim_matrix.setdefault(m1, {}) new_sim_matrix[m1].setdefault(m2, 0) new_sim_matrix[m1][m2] += 1 print('Build user co-rated movies matrix success!') print('Calculating news similarity matrix ...') for m1, related_news in new_sim_matrix.items(): for m2, count in related_news.items(): if new_popular[m1] == 0 or new_popular[m2] == 0: new_sim_matrix[m1][m2] = 0 else: new_sim_matrix[m1][m2] = count / math.sqrt(new_popular[m1] * new_popular[m2]) print('Calculate news similarity matrix success!') k = 20 n = 10 aim_user = 20 rank ={} watched_news = trainSet[aim_user] for new, rating in watched_news.items(): for related_new, w in sorted(new_sim_matrix[new].items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:k]: if related_new in watched_news: continue rank.setdefault(related_new, 0) rank[related_new] += w * float(rating) rec_news = sorted(rank.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:n] rec_news

优化这段代码df_in_grown_ebv = pd.read_table(open(r"C:\Users\荆晓燕\Desktop\20230515分品种计算育种值\生长性能育种值N72分组 (7).txt"), delim_whitespace=True, encoding="gb18030", header=None) df_in_breed_ebv = pd.read_table(open(r"C:\Users\荆晓燕\Desktop\20230515分品种计算育种值\繁殖性能育种值N72分组 (7).txt"), delim_whitespace=True, encoding="gb18030", header=None) # df_in_grown_Phenotype.columns = ['个体号', '活仔EBV', '21d窝重EBV', '断配EBV'] # df_in_breed_Phenotype.columns = ['个体号', '115EBV', '饲料转化率EBV', '瘦肉率EBV', '眼肌EBV', '背膘EBV'] df_in_breed_ebv.columns = ['个体号', '活仔EBV', '21d窝重EBV', '断配EBV'] df_in_grown_ebv.columns = ['个体号', '115daysEBV', '饲料转化率EBV', '瘦肉率EBV', '眼肌EBV', '背膘EBV'] NBA_mean = np.mean(df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV']) NBA_std = np.std(df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV']) days_mean = np.mean(df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']) days_std = np.std(df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']) fcr_mean = np.mean(df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']) fcr_std = np.std(df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']) output = pd.merge(df_in_grown_ebv, df_in_breed_ebv, how='inner', left_on='个体号', right_on='个体号') # output['计算长白母系指数'] = 0.3 * (NBA - NBA_mean)/NBA_std - 0.3 * (days - days_mean)/days_std - 0.3 * (fcr-fcr_mean)/fcr_std + 0.1 * (pcl-pcl_mean)/pcl_std output['计算长白母系指数'] = 0.29 * (df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV'] - NBA_mean)/NBA_std - 0.58 * (df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']- days_mean)/days_std - 0.13 * (df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']-fcr_mean)/fcr_std MLI_mean = np.mean(output['计算长白母系指数']) MLI_std = np.std(output['计算长白母系指数']) output['校正长白母系指数'] = 25 * ((output['计算长白母系指数'] - MLI_mean)/MLI_std) + 100

优化以下代码 df_in_grown_ebv = pd.read_table(open(r"C:\Users\荆晓燕\Desktop\20230515分品种计算育种值\生长性能育种值N72分组 (7).txt"), delim_whitespace=True, encoding="gb18030", header=None) df_in_breed_ebv = pd.read_table(open(r"C:\Users\荆晓燕\Desktop\20230515分品种计算育种值\繁殖性能育种值N72分组 (7).txt"), delim_whitespace=True, encoding="gb18030", header=None) # df_in_grown_Phenotype.columns = ['个体号', '活仔EBV', '21d窝重EBV', '断配EBV'] # df_in_breed_Phenotype.columns = ['个体号', '115EBV', '饲料转化率EBV', '瘦肉率EBV', '眼肌EBV', '背膘EBV'] df_in_breed_ebv.columns = ['个体号', '活仔EBV', '21d窝重EBV', '断配EBV'] df_in_grown_ebv.columns = ['个体号', '115daysEBV', '饲料转化率EBV', '瘦肉率EBV', '眼肌EBV', '背膘EBV'] NBA_mean = np.mean(df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV']) NBA_std = np.std(df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV']) days_mean = np.mean(df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']) days_std = np.std(df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']) fcr_mean = np.mean(df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']) fcr_std = np.std(df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']) output = pd.merge(df_in_grown_ebv, df_in_breed_ebv, how='inner', left_on='个体号', right_on='个体号') # output['计算长白母系指数'] = 0.3 * (NBA - NBA_mean)/NBA_std - 0.3 * (days - days_mean)/days_std - 0.3 * (fcr-fcr_mean)/fcr_std + 0.1 * (pcl-pcl_mean)/pcl_std output['计算长白母系指数'] = 0.29 * (df_in_breed_ebv['活仔EBV'] - NBA_mean)/NBA_std - 0.58 * (df_in_grown_ebv['115daysEBV']- days_mean)/days_std - 0.13 * (df_in_grown_ebv['饲料转化率EBV']-fcr_mean)/fcr_std MLI_mean = np.mean(output['计算长白母系指数']) MLI_std = np.std(output['计算长白母系指数']) output['校正长白母系指数'] = 25 * ((output['计算长白母系指数'] - MLI_mean)/MLI_std) + 100 output.to_excel(r"C:\Users\荆晓燕\Desktop\20230515分品种计算育种值\权重3-N72权重指数_20230602.xlsx",index=False) print(NBA_mean) print(NBA_std) print(days_mean) print(days_std) print(fcr_mean) print(fcr_std) print(MLI_mean) print(MLI_std)






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用 Python 画一个可以动的爱心

好的,我可以帮助您使用Python来绘制一个动态的爱心。您可以使用turtle库来实现。以下是实现代码: ```python import turtle import math # 设置画布和画笔 canvas = turtle.Screen() canvas.bgcolor("black") pencil = turtle.Turtle() pencil.speed(0) pencil.color("red", "pink") pencil.pensize(3) # 定义爱心函数 def draw_love(heart_size, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):

JSBSim Reference Manual



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