时间: 2023-10-07 18:09:30 浏览: 189
unity resources.loadall
Unity's Resources.LoadAll() method is used to load all assets at a specific path in the project's "Resources" folder. It returns an array of objects, which can be cast to the appropriate type of asset.
For example, if you have a folder called "Materials" in your "Resources" folder, and you want to load all of the materials in that folder, you can use the following code:
Material[] materials = Resources.LoadAll<Material>("Materials");
This will load all of the materials in the "Materials" folder and store them in the "materials" array.
Note that using Resources.LoadAll() can be inefficient and slow, especially if you have a large number of assets in the folder you are loading from. It is generally recommended to use other methods (such as AssetBundle) for loading assets at runtime, especially for larger projects.
private void loadModels() { GameObject[] modelsArr = Resources.LoadAll<GameObject>(m_ModelsPath); for(int i=0;i< modelsArr.Length;i++) { if (m_DicAllModels.ContainsKey(modelsArr[i].name)) continue; m_DicAllModels.Add(modelsArr[i].name, modelsArr[i]); } }
这是一个 C# 代码片段,用于加载 Unity3D 游戏引擎中的模型资源。首先,使用 Resources.LoadAll 方法从指定路径加载所有的 GameObject(游戏对象)资源。然后,使用一个循环遍历加载的资源数组,如果字典中已经包含了该资源,则跳过;否则将该资源添加到字典中,以资源的名称作为键,以 GameObject 对象作为值。这样,我们就可以通过名称来查找和访问已加载的模型资源了。