时间: 2023-09-14 17:13:06 浏览: 192
综合起来,MUX/DMUX 同步器是一种结合了多路复用器和解复用器功能的同步电路。它可以将来自不同时钟域的多个输入信号通过选择器进行选择,并将选择后的信号通过解复用器进行分发到目标时钟域。这样可以实现不同时钟域之间的信号传递和同步。
[ERROR] [1686540341.656331436]: Failed to load nodelet [/vesc/high_level/ackermann_cmd_mux] of type [ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [ERROR] [1686540341.656401879]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [FATAL] [1686540341.656599888]: Failed to load nodelet '/vesc/high_level/ackermann_cmd_mux` of type `ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet` to manager `ackermann_cmd_mux_nodelet_manager' [ERROR] [1686540341.658449305]: Failed to load nodelet [/vesc/low_level/ackermann_cmd_mux] of type [ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [ERROR] [1686540341.658478764]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Could not find library corresponding to plugin ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists. [FATAL] [1686540341.658664845]: Failed to load nodelet '/vesc/low_level/ackermann_cmd_mux` of type `ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet` to manager `ackermann_cmd_mux_nodelet_manager'
这是一个ROS机器人操作系统中的错误信息,具体是关于节点加载的问题。看起来节点 `/vesc/high_level/ackermann_cmd_mux` 和 `/vesc/low_level/ackermann_cmd_mux` 的类型是 `ackermann_cmd_mux/AckermannCmdMuxNodelet`,但是在加载时出现了找不到库文件的错误。建议确认一下插件描述的XML文件中库文件的名称是否正确,并且库文件是否存在。