3、已知给定报文Struc, 5个字母的权重构成集合W={9, 5,13,3,6},试画出它的Huffman树,并分别写出字母S和u的Huffman编码。(假定 比较时,权重小者放左分枝)
时间: 2024-03-22 13:42:06 浏览: 159
首先,我们按照权重从小到大对字母进行排序,得到字母集合S={u, d, e, t, S},对应的权重集合W={3, 5, 6, 9, 13}。
1. 将S和W中的所有节点作为叶子节点,构成n棵只有一个节点的二叉树。
2. 从n棵二叉树中选择两棵权重最小的二叉树,将它们合并成一棵新的二叉树。新二叉树的根节点权重为两棵子树的权重之和。
3. 将新的二叉树插入到n棵二叉树中,并删除原来的两棵子树。
4. 重复2-3,直到所有的节点都被合并成一棵二叉树。得到的二叉树即为Huffman树。
/ \
14 22
/ \ / \
6 8 9 13
/ \
3 3
- 字母S的编码为1,因为它在Huffman树中的右分枝上,且该分枝的路径为右-左-左。
- 字母u的编码为00,因为它在Huffman树的左分枝上,且该分枝的路径为左-左。
typedef struc
t node {
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;
} Node;
This is a structure definition for a binary tree node. It has three fields - an integer data field and two pointers to other nodes, one for the left child and one for the right child.
NN=struc(1:3,1:3,0:2); V = arxstruc(u,y,NN);
This code defines a neural network (NN) structure with 3 input nodes, 3 hidden nodes, and 3 output nodes. The range of delay values considered for the input-output relationship is from 0 to 2.
Then, the function arxstruc is used to generate candidate models for the given input-output data (u, y) based on the NN structure defined above. The output V contains information about the candidate models, such as their orders and delay values. These models can then be fitted and evaluated to select the best one for the given data.