时间: 2024-11-20 10:43:02 浏览: 44
1. **合并过程**(Merge):将两个已经排好序的小规模数组合并成一个大数组,并更新众数信息。这一步是递归的基础。
2. **分解过程**(Divide):将原始数组拆分为两部分,如果数组长度大于1,则继续对每一部分递归地寻找众数。
3. **查找过程**(Search):对于小规模数组,遍历即可找出众数。因为数组已排序,所以只需找到第一个和最后一个相同的元素即可。
下面是一个基于上述思想的 Python 函数示例:
def find_mode(arr):
if len(arr) == 1:
return arr[0], 1
# Divide the array into two halves
mid = len(arr) // 2
left_half, right_half = arr[:mid], arr[mid:]
# Find mode in each half recursively
left_mode, left_count = find_mode(left_half)
right_mode, right_count = find_mode(right_half)
# Merge and compare counts to find overall mode
common_count = min(left_count, right_count)
left_common = left_mode == right_mode
if left_common and left_count > common_count:
return left_mode, left_count + right_count
elif right_common and right_count > common_count:
return right_mode, left_count + right_count
# If no common mode found, check if any element appears only once in both halves
left_only_once, right_only_once = False, False
if left_count == 1 and right_mode not in left_half:
left_only_once = True
if right_count == 1 and left_mode not in right_half:
right_only_once = True
if left_only_once and right_only_once:
return max(left_mode, right_mode), 1
return None, 0 # No unique mode found
# 示例
arr = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]
mode, count = find_mode(arr)
print(f"众数是 {mode},出现了 {count} 次.")