Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'timeFormat')

时间: 2024-01-09 19:23:13 浏览: 47
根据提供的引用内容,错误信息是"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'timeFormat')"。这个错误通常发生在尝试读取一个未定义的属性时。在这种情况下,代码中尝试读取一个名为'timeFormat'的属性,但该属性未被定义或未被正确导入。 为了解决这个问题,你可以采取以下几个步骤: 1. 确保导入的模块或文件存在,并且路径正确。检查你的代码中是否正确导入了'timeFormat'模块,并且路径是否正确。 2. 确保导入的模块或文件中包含了'timeFormat'属性。检查你导入的模块或文件中是否包含了名为'timeFormat'的属性或方法。 3. 确保导入的模块或文件已经正确导出了'timeFormat'属性。检查你导入的模块或文件中是否正确导出了'timeFormat'属性或方法。可以通过在导出语句中使用export关键字来导出属性或方法。 以下是一个示例,演示了如何正确导入和使用'timeFormat'模块: ```javascript // timeFormat.js 文件 export function normalTime(time) { // 实现时间格式化逻辑 } // main.js 文件 import { normalTime } from './timeFormat'; const currentTime = new Date(); const formattedTime = normalTime(currentTime); console.log(formattedTime); ``` 在上面的示例中,我们首先在'timeFormat.js'文件中定义了一个名为'normalTime'的函数,并使用export关键字将其导出。然后,在'main.js'文件中,我们使用import语句将'normalTime'函数导入,并在代码中使用它来格式化当前时间。


private final CharSequence getSmallTime() { Context context = getContext(); boolean is24 = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context); LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale); final char MAGIC1 = '\uEF00'; final char MAGIC2 = '\uEF01'; SimpleDateFormat sdf; String format = is24 ? d.timeFormat24 : d.timeFormat12; if (!format.equals(mClockFormatString)) { /* * Search for an unquoted "a" in the format string, so we can * add dummy characters around it to let us find it again after * formatting and change its size. */ if (AM_PM_STYLE != AM_PM_STYLE_NORMAL) { int a = -1; boolean quoted = false; for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) { char c = format.charAt(i); if (c == ''') { quoted = !quoted; } if (!quoted && c == 'a') { a = i; break; } } if (a >= 0) { // Move a back so any whitespace before AM/PM is also in the alternate size. final int b = a; while (a > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(format.charAt(a-1))) { a--; } format = format.substring(0, a) + MAGIC1 + format.substring(a, b) + "a" + MAGIC2 + format.substring(b + 1); } } mClockFormat = sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); mClockFormatString = format; } else { sdf = mClockFormat; } String result = sdf.format(mCalendar.getTime()); if (AM_PM_STYLE != AM_PM_STYLE_NORMAL) { int magic1 = result.indexOf(MAGIC1); int magic2 = result.indexOf(MAGIC2); if (magic1 >= 0 && magic2 > magic1) { SpannableStringBuilder formatted = new SpannableStringBuilder(result); if (AM_PM_STYLE == AM_PM_STYLE_GONE) { formatted.delete(magic1, magic2+1); } else { if (AM_PM_STYLE == AM_PM_STYLE_SMALL) { CharacterStyle style = new RelativeSizeSpan(0.7f); formatted.setSpan(style, magic1, magic2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); } formatted.delete(magic2, magic2 + 1); formatted.delete(magic1, magic1 + 1); } return formatted; } } return result; }添加秒

private final CharSequence getSmallTime() { Context context = getContext(); boolean is24 = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context); LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale); final char MAGIC1 = '\uEF00'; final char MAGIC2 = '\uEF01'; SimpleDateFormat sdf; String format = is24 ? d.timeFormat24 : d.timeFormat12; // Add seconds to the format string format += ":ss"; if (!format.equals(mClockFormatString)) { /* * Search for an unquoted "a" in the format string, so we can * add dummy characters around it to let us find it again after * formatting and change its size. */ if (AM_PM_STYLE != AM_PM_STYLE_NORMAL) { int a = -1; boolean quoted = false; for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) { char c = format.charAt(i); if (c == ''') { quoted = !quoted; } if (!quoted && c == 'a') { a = i; break; } } if (a >= 0) { // Move a back so any whitespace before AM/PM is also in the alternate size. final int b = a; while (a > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(format.charAt(a-1))) { a--; } format = format.substring(0, a) + MAGIC1 + format.substring(a, b) + "a" + MAGIC2 + format.substring(b + 1); } } mClockFormat = sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); mClockFormatString = format; } else { sdf = mClockFormat; } String result = sdf.format(mCalendar.getTime()); if (AM_PM_STYLE != AM_PM_STYLE_NORMAL) { int magic1 = result.indexOf(MAGIC1); int magic2 = result.indexOf(MAGIC2); if (magic1 >= 0 && magic2 > magic1) { SpannableStringBuilder formatted = new SpannableStringBuilder(result); if (AM_PM_STYLE == AM_PM_STYLE_GONE) { formatted.delete(magic1, magic2+1); } else { if (AM_PM_STYLE == AM_PM_STYLE_SMALL) { CharacterStyle style = new RelativeSizeSpan(0.7f); formatted.setSpan(style, magic1, magic2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); } formatted.delete(magic2, magic2 + 1); formatted.delete(magic1, magic1 + 1); } return formatted; } } return result;}如何实时更新秒

timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module md_tf ; reg rst ; reg clk16x ; reg mdi ; reg clk1x_enable ; reg clk1x ; reg nrz ; reg [3:0] no_bits_rcvd ; reg sample ; reg rdn ; wire [7:0] dout ; md u1 (rst,clk16x,mdi,rdn,dout,data_ready) ; initial begin rst = 1'b0 ; clk16x = 1'b0 ; mdi = 1'b0 ; rdn = 1'b1 ; end integer md_chann ; initial begin md_chann=$fopen("md.rpt") ; $timeformat(-9,,,5) ; end parameter clock_period = 100 ; always #(clock_period/2) clk16x = ~clk16x ; initial begin $fdisplay(md_chann,"Verilog simulation of Manchester decoder\n\n") ; $shm_open("md.shm") ; $shm_probe("AS") ; $fmonitor(md_chann,"Time=%t,rst=%b,clk16=%b,clk1x=%b,mdi=%b,nrz=%b,no_bits_rcvd=%b,sample=%b,dout=%h,data_ready=%b",$time,rst,clk16x,md.clk1x_enable,md.clk1x,mdi,md.nrz,md.no_bits_rcvd,md.sample,dout,data_ready) ; #1 rst = 1'b1 ; #100 rst = 1'b0 ; // Input 8 logic 0s #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #1600 rdn = 1'b0 ; #800 rdn = 1'b1 ; #3200 // Input 8 logic 1s #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #800 mdi = 1'b1 ; #800 mdi = 1'b0 ; #2400 rdn = 1'b0 ; #800 rdn = 1'b1 ; // Input alternating 1s, 0s #1600 mdi = 1'b1 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b0 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b1 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b0 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b1 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b0 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b1 ; #1600 mdi = 1'b0 ; #1600 rst = 1'b1 ; $fdisplay (md_chann,"\nSimulation of Manchester decoder is complete.") ; $finish ; end endmodule解释代码

public class DateTimeText : MonoBehaviour { public StringBuilder StrBuilder { get; set; } = new StringBuilder(); public Text m_dateText; public Text m_timeText; public Text m_weekText; DateTime m_lastDateTime; public DateTime CurrentDateTime { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now; void Start() { if (m_dateText != null) { m_dateText.text = GetDate(); } m_lastDateTime = DateTime.Now; } private string GetDate() { return CurrentDateTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat.DateFormat); } private string GetTime() { return CurrentDateTime.ToString(DateTimeFormat.TimeFormat); } private string GetWeek() { return CurrentDateTime.ToString("dddd"); } float m_interval = 0; void Update() { CurrentDateTime=DateTime.Now; m_interval += Time.deltaTime; if (m_interval >= 0.5f) { m_interval -= 0.5f; DateTime time = CurrentDateTime; if (m_dateText != null) { if (m_lastDateTime.Day != time.Day) { m_dateText.text = GetDate(); m_lastDateTime = time; } } if (m_timeText != null) { if (m_lastDateTime.Second != time.Second) { m_timeText.text = GetTime(); m_lastDateTime = time; } } if (m_weekText!=null) { if (m_lastDateTime.DayOfWeek!=time.DayOfWeek) { m_weekText.text = GetWeek(); m_lastDateTime = time; } } } } } public class DateTimeFormat { public const string Moday = "Moday"; public const string Tuesday = "Tuesday"; public const string Wednesday = "Wednesday"; public const string Thursday = "Thursday"; public const string Friday = "Friday"; public const string Saturday = "Saturday"; public const string Sunday = "Sunday"; public const string DateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd"; public const string TimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss"; }这段代码显示不了星期数,是什么问题,请详细说下














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