什么命令可以编译模块( ) A. insmod 3.gcc 二rmmod D. make
时间: 2024-02-26 15:57:45 浏览: 127
`make` 命令可以用于编译模块。
在 Linux 中,内核模块通常是由源代码编译而来的。为了编译内核模块,需要使用编译器和一些相关的工具。`make` 命令是 Linux 中用于自动化编译的工具,它可以读取 Makefile 文件中的指令,按照指令自动化地执行编译过程。
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential
其中,`linux-headers-$(uname -r)` 是当前系统运行的内核版本对应的头文件,`build-essential` 是一些必要的编译工具,如 GCC 等。
编译内核模块的步骤通常包括编写源代码、编写 Makefile 文件、执行 `make` 命令等。具体的编译方法可以参考相应的文档和教程。
USB serial driver for USB to UART chip ch340, ch341, etc. In fact Linux mainline kernels have built-in ch341 serial driver since kernel version 2.6.24. The location is: drivers/usb/serial/ch341.c, it's a pity that the built-in driver cannot be kept up to date. We suggest our customers use this driver. 1. Open "Terminal" 2. Switch to "driver" directory 3. Compile the driver using "make", you will see the module "ch341.ko" if successful 4. Type "sudo make load" or "sudo insmod ch341.ko" to load the driver dynamically 5. Type "sudo make unload" or "sudo rmmod ch341.ko" to unload the driver 6. Type "sudo make install" to make the driver work permanently 7. Type "sudo make uninstall" to remove the driver 8. You can refer to the link below to acquire uart application, you can use gcc or Cross-compile with cross-gcc https://github.com/WCHSoftGroup/tty_uart Before the driver works, you should make sure that the usb device has been plugged in and is working properly, you can use shell command "lsusb" or "dmesg" to confirm that, USB VID of these devices are [1a86], you can view all IDs from the id table which defined in "ch341.c". If the device works well, the driver will created tty devices named "ttyCH341USBx" in /dev directory. ## Note Any question, you can send feedback to mail: tech@wch.cn翻译
1. 打开“终端”
2. 切换到“driver”目录
3. 使用“make”编译驱动程序,如果成功将看到“ch341.ko”模块
4. 输入“sudo make load”或“sudo insmod ch341.ko”以动态加载驱动程序
5. 输入“sudo make unload”或“sudo rmmod ch341.ko”以卸载驱动程序
6. 输入“sudo make install”以使驱动程序永久工作
7. 输入“sudo make uninstall”以删除驱动程序
8. 您可以参考链接获取UART应用程序,可以使用gcc或交叉编译工具cross-gcc
在驱动程序工作之前,您应确保USB设备已插入并正常工作,您可以使用shell命令“lsusb”或“dmesg”来确认,这些设备的USB VID为[1a86],您可以从“ch341.c”中定义的ID表中查看所有ID。如果设备工作正常,驱动程序将在/dev目录中创建名为“ttyCH341USBx”的tty设备。
1. 首先,需要安装相应的开发工具和环境,包括gcc、make、kernel-header等。
2. 编写模块代码,通常以.c或.cpp扩展名结尾。
3. 在模块代码所在的目录下创建Makefile文件,并在其中定义编译规则。
4. 执行make命令进行编译,会生成.ko文件。
5. 使用insmod命令将模块插入内核中,使用rmmod命令将模块从内核中移除。
6. 在模块编译过程中,可能需要对内核配置进行修改,可以使用make menuconfig等命令进行配置。