时间: 2024-01-22 22:18:01 浏览: 68
import graphviz
class State:
def __init__(self, label=None):
self.transitions = {}
self.label = label
self.accepting = False
class NFA:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
def match(self, s):
current_states = self.get_epsilon_closure([self.start])
for c in s:
next_states = []
for state in current_states:
if c in state.transitions:
next_states += state.transitions[c]
current_states = self.get_epsilon_closure(next_states)
return self.end in current_states
def get_epsilon_closure(self, states):
closure = set(states)
stack = list(states)
while stack:
state = stack.pop()
if None in state.transitions:
for s in state.transitions[None]:
if s not in closure:
return closure
def regex_to_nfa(regex):
stack = []
start = None
end = None
for c in regex:
if c == '(':
stack.append((start, end))
start = None
end = None
elif c == ')':
if not stack:
raise Exception('Invalid regex')
prev_start, prev_end = stack.pop()
if prev_start is not None and prev_end is not None:
prev_end.transitions[None] = [start]
if start is not None and end is not None:
end.transitions[None] = [prev_start]
start = prev_start
end = prev_end
elif c == '|':
if not stack:
raise Exception('Invalid regex')
prev_start, prev_end = stack[-1]
if prev_start is not None and prev_end is not None:
prev_end.transitions[None] = [end]
if start is not None and end is not None:
end.transitions[None] = [prev_start]
start = None
end = None
elif c == '*':
if end is None:
raise Exception('Invalid regex')
end.transitions[None] = [start]
state = State()
state.transitions[c] = [State()]
if start is None:
start = state
if end is not None:
end.transitions[None] = [state]
end = state
if stack:
raise Exception('Invalid regex')
return NFA(start, end)
def nfa_to_dot(nfa):
dot = graphviz.Digraph()
dot.node(str(id(nfa.start)), shape='point')
dot.node(str(id(nfa.end)), shape='doublecircle')
for state in nfa.get_epsilon_closure([nfa.start]):
if state is nfa.start:
dot.node(str(id(state)), shape='circle', label=state.label)
for state in nfa.get_epsilon_closure([nfa.start]):
for c, next_states in state.transitions.items():
for next_state in next_states:
dot.edge(str(id(state)), str(id(next_state)), label=c)
return dot.source
regex = '((ab)|b)(a|(ba)*)a'
nfa = regex_to_nfa(regex)
dot = nfa_to_dot(nfa)
dot -Tpng -o nfa.png