帮我写一个c代码:给定字符串长度及两种字符‘R' 和’B的个数,这个字符串由这两种字符组成,如何排列使得个数较多的字符连续出现的个数最少?
时间: 2024-10-05 17:02:17 浏览: 26
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void find_min_consecutive(char* str, int r_count, int b_count, int len) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < len && j < len) {
// 尝试优先填充较少的字符
if (r_count < b_count) {
str[i++] = 'R';
} else if (b_count < r_count) {
str[i++] = 'B';
} else { // 如果两者相等,随机选择一个
str[i++] = 'R'; // 或者 'B'
// 将剩余的字符填入
for (; i < len; i++) {
str[i] = 'R'; // 假设剩余的都是'R'
printf("Minimum consecutive occurrences of the most frequent character: %d\n", r_count + b_count);
int main() {
char input[100];
int r_count, b_count, len;
printf("Enter string length and R and B counts separated by spaces: ");
scanf("%d %d %d", &len, &r_count, &b_count);
if (r_count > b_count) {
printf("If R is more frequent, you may want to swap them in your input or check the logic.\n");
} else if (r_count < b_count) {
char temp = 'R';
'R' = 'B';
'B' = temp; // Temporary swap for input validation
printf("Enter 'R' and 'B': ");
gets(input); // For simplicity, using gets here, but in a real-world application, use fgets with proper handling
find_min_consecutive(input, r_count, b_count, strlen(input));
return 0;
**注意:** 这段代码假设输入中不会有多于给定数量的'B'或'R'。实际应用中,需要处理这种情况。此外,`gets()`函数在现代C标准中已被弃用,推荐使用更安全的`fgets()`代替。