select * from city limit 5,10
时间: 2024-06-06 09:11:14 浏览: 87
I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I don't have access to any database to execute SQL queries. However, I can explain what this query does:
The query selects all columns from the table "city" and limits the result set to return 10 rows, starting from the 6th row (skipping the first 5 rows).
In other words, it retrieves data from rows 6 to 15 of the "city" table.
hive> select * from weathe limit 10; OK 2023-04-01 m 22 12 � W� 3� � 2023-04-02 � 20 13 �~4 � 4� � 2023-04-03 18 9 �~� � 2� � 2023-04-04 � 12 6 � � 2� � 2023-04-05 17 9 �~� � 0� � 2023-04-06 � 18 5 �~t � 3� � 2023-04-07 � 16 4 t � 3� � 2023-04-08 m 22 8 t~� W� 4� � 2023-04-09 � 22 10 � W� 2� � 2023-04-10 28 11 � W� 1� � Time taken: 0.136 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)
SELECT *, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS tmp, @incrnum := CASE WHEN @rowtotal = ${field} THEN @incrnum WHEN @rowtotal := ${field} THEN @rownum END AS rownum FROM (SELECT * from (SELECT * from aqi_hour_site WHERE 1=1 <if test="cityCode != null and cityCode != ''"> AND city_code = #{cityCode} </if> <if test="arrayList!=null and arrayList.size()>0"> AND site_code in <foreach collection="arrayList" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{item}</foreach> </if> ORDER BY data_time desc LIMIT 2000) d GROUP BY site_code <if test="dataSort==1">ORDER BY ${field} asc</if> <if test="dataSort==2">ORDER BY ${field} desc</if> ) as a, (SELECT @rownum := 0, @rowtotal := NULL, @incrnum := 0) b