时间: 2023-09-19 10:07:26 浏览: 122
1. 读取两个文本文件的内容并分词,得到两个词列表。
2. 统计两个词列表中每个词出现的次数,得到两个词频字典。
3. 构建两个词的共现矩阵或者计算两个词的互信息。
4. 计算两个文本文件的平均互信息。
下面是 Python 代码实现:
import math
from collections import Counter
def read_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
text = f.read()
return text
def tokenize(text):
return text.strip().split()
def calc_word_freq(tokens):
return Counter(tokens)
def calc_word_co_occurrence(tokens1, tokens2):
co_occurrence = Counter()
for token in set(tokens1) & set(tokens2):
co_occurrence[token] = tokens1.count(token) + tokens2.count(token)
return co_occurrence
def calc_word_mi(word1, word2, freq1, freq2, co_occurrence, total):
freq1 = freq1[word1]
freq2 = freq2[word2]
co_freq = co_occurrence[(word1, word2)]
mi = math.log((co_freq * total) / (freq1 * freq2))
return max(0, mi)
def calc_avg_mi(tokens1, tokens2):
freq1 = calc_word_freq(tokens1)
freq2 = calc_word_freq(tokens2)
co_occurrence = calc_word_co_occurrence(tokens1, tokens2)
total = len(tokens1) + len(tokens2)
mi_sum = 0
count = 0
for word1 in set(tokens1) & set(tokens2):
for word2 in set(tokens1) & set(tokens2):
if word1 == word2:
mi_sum += calc_word_mi(word1, word2, freq1, freq2, co_occurrence, total)
count += 1
return mi_sum / count
if __name__ == '__main__':
file1 = 'file1.txt'
file2 = 'file2.txt'
text1 = read_file(file1)
text2 = read_file(file2)
tokens1 = tokenize(text1)
tokens2 = tokenize(text2)
avg_mi = calc_avg_mi(tokens1, tokens2)
print('The average mutual information between {} and {} is: {:.4f}'.format(file1, file2, avg_mi))