Mybatisplus xml include作用
时间: 2024-09-07 21:01:17 浏览: 51
例如,你可能有一个名为`baseMapper.xml`的文件,其中包含了基础的CRUD操作映射。在其他具体的Mapper XML文件中,只需使用`<include>`标签导入这部分内容,然后添加特定于某个实体的动态SQL或额外的条件:
<mapper namespace="com.example.YourMapper">
<include refid="commonMappings" />
<!-- 其他自定义映射 -->
<!-- commonMappings.xml的内容 -->
<sql id="commonMappings">
select * from your_table where condition = #{condition}
mybatisplus分页查询 xml 写法
<select id="selectList" parameterType="com.example.YourEntity" resultType="com.example.YourEntity">
SELECT * FROM your_table
<if test="limit != null and limit > 0">
LIMIT #{limit}, #{offset}
<sql id="pagination">
LIMIT #{start}, #{pageSize}
<!-- 进行分页查询 -->
<select id="selectPage" resultMap="yourResultMap">
SELECT * FROM your_table
<!-- 查询条件 -->
<when test="page != null and page.size > 0">
<include refid="pagination"/>
<!-- 如果没有分页,不添加LIMIT -->
1. MyBatisPlus如何在XML中设置查询的排序和分页参数?
2. 如何在MyBatisPlus的XML映射文件中指定结果集映射?
3. MyBatisPlus的动态SQL标签如`<if>`、`<choose>`是如何应用于分页查询中的?
MyBatis Plus is an open-source Java-based framework that is built on top of the MyBatis framework. It provides a set of enhancements and features to simplify and accelerate the development process by reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed.
Some of the key features of MyBatis Plus include:
1. Code Generator: A code generator tool that automatically generates entity classes, mapper interfaces, and XML mapping files.
2. Active Record: An ActiveRecord pattern that allows developers to perform database operations using a fluent API.
3. Pagination: Built-in support for pagination, making it easy to retrieve large data sets in a controlled manner.
4. Lambda Expressions: Support for lambda expressions, which simplifies the creation of dynamic queries.
5. SQL Injection Prevention: MyBatis Plus provides built-in protection against SQL injection attacks.
6. Customizable Query Wrapper: A flexible query wrapper that allows developers to customize their queries with ease.
7. Annotation-based Mapping: Support for annotation-based mapping, which allows developers to map database tables to Java objects using annotations.
Overall, MyBatis Plus is a powerful and flexible framework that simplifies the development of database-driven applications in Java.