from lxml import etree root=etree.Element('root',intersting='totally') print(etree.tostring(root)) #tostring:把字符串外衣穿上,防止变化
时间: 2024-10-23 18:03:06 浏览: 44
在Python中,`lxml`是一个强大的XML和HTML处理库。当你使用`from lxml import etree`导入`etree`模块后,你可以创建元素树来表示XML文档的结构。在这个例子中:
root = etree.Element('root', interesting='totally') # 创建一个名为'root'的元素,并设置其属性interesting为'totally'
<bunch of XML tags><root interesting="totally"></root></bunch of XML tags>
1. from lxml import etree 2. from lxml import html etree = html.etree
This code imports two modules from the lxml library: "etree" and "html". The first line imports the "etree" module, which is used for processing XML and HTML documents. The second line imports the "html" module, which provides a convenient way of parsing HTML documents.
The third line assigns the "etree" module to the variable "etree", which allows you to use the "etree" methods and functions directly from the "html" module. This is because the "html" module is built on top of the "etree" module, so it includes all of the functionality of the "etree" module.
Overall, this code sets up the environment for working with XML and HTML documents using the lxml library.
翻译这段代码 nb = requests.get(url, headers=head).text from lxml import etree sb = etree.HTML(nb) whh = sb.xpath('//tbody/tr[not(@class)]')
我理解你的意思是,你想要翻译这段代码:nb = requests.get(url, headers=head).text from lxml import etree sb = etree.HTML(nb) whh = sb.xpath('//tbody/tr[not(@class)]'),对吧?翻译如下:nb = requests.get(url,headers = head).text 从lxml导入etree sb = etree.HTML(nb)whh = sb.xpath('//tbody / tr [not(@class)]’)