if len(a) > 50: base = base64.b64decode(a)
时间: 2024-06-09 14:05:11 浏览: 120
"""Activate virtualenv for current interpreter: Use exec(open(this_file).read(), {'__file__': this_file}). This can be used when you must use an existing Python interpreter, not the virtualenv bin/python. """ import os import site import sys try: abs_file = os.path.abspath(__file__) except NameError: raise AssertionError("You must use exec(open(this_file).read(), {'__file__': this_file}))") bin_dir = os.path.dirname(abs_file) base = bin_dir[: -len("Scripts") - 1] # strip away the bin part from the __file__, plus the path separator # prepend bin to PATH (this file is inside the bin directory) os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join([bin_dir] + os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)) os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = base # virtual env is right above bin directory # add the virtual environments libraries to the host python import mechanism prev_length = len(sys.path) for lib in "..\Lib\site-packages".split(os.pathsep): path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(bin_dir, lib)) site.addsitedir(path.decode("utf-8") if "" else path) sys.path[:] = sys.path[prev_length:] + sys.path[0:prev_length] sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix sys.prefix = base
def handler(context, event): context.logger.info("Run yolo-v8 model") data = event.body buf = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data["image"])) threshold = float(data.get("threshold", 0.35)) context.user_data.model.conf = threshold image = Image.open(buf) yolo_results = context.user_data.model(image, conf=threshold)[0] labels = yolo_results.names detections = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(yolo_results) detections = detections[detections.confidence > threshold] masks = detections.mask conf = detections.confidence class_ids = detections.class_id results = [] if masks.shape[0] > 0: for label, score, seg in zip(class_ids, conf, masks): results.append({ "confidence": str(score), "label": labels.get(label, "unknown"), "points": , "type": "rectangle",})根据上面的改这个代码处理yolov8推理出来的结果会带有检测框和掩码 提取掩码
results = []
if masks.shape[0] > 0:
for label, score, seg in zip(class_ids, conf, masks):
# 解析分割掩码
mask = seg.argmax(axis=0) # 取最大值的索引,将二维掩码还原为一维
mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) # 将掩码转换为无符号整数类型
mask_binary = np.where(mask > 0, 255, 0) # 将掩码转换为二值图像
# 获取掩码边界框
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask_binary, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contours[0]) if len(contours) > 0 else (0, 0, 0, 0)
xtl = x
ytl = y
xbr = x + w
ybr = y + h
# 添加结果到列表中
"confidence": str(score),
"label": labels.get(label, "unknown"),
"points": [xtl, ytl, xbr, ybr],
"type": "rectangle",
"mask": mask.tolist() # 将分割掩码转换为列表形式