请以最详细的方式解释这段代码with a0 as ( select case when prodlinename in ('冷柜', '冰箱') then '制冷' when prodlinename in ('商空') then '楼宇' when prodlinename in ('家空') then '空调' else prodlinename end industry, mouldno, cast(avgintervals as double) as avgintervals, pt from dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu where avgintervals is not null and avgintervals not in('', '0', '0.0') and prodlinename in('冷柜', '冰箱', '商空', '家空', '厨电', '洗涤', '热水器') and substr(pt, 1, 4) = from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy') ), a1 as ( select model_code, cast(ratedcycle as double) as ratedcycle from dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset where ratedCycle is not null and ratedCycle not in('', '/', '0', '0.0') ), a2 as ( select industry, mouldno, avgintervals, b.ratedcycle, case when avgintervals<= ratedCycle then 1 else 0 end db, pt from a0 a left join a1 b on a.mouldno = b.model_code ), a3 as ( select pt, industry, count(mouldno) as kj_module_num, sum(db) as db_module_num from a2 group by pt, industry ) insert OVERWRITE table dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb select pt, industry, cast(kj_module_num as string) kj_module_num, cast(db_module_num as string) db_module_num, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyyMMdd') as dh_etl_date from a3
时间: 2023-12-26 13:06:46 浏览: 144
这是一段 SQL 代码,用于从数据库中查询数据并将结果插入到目标表格中。这段代码包含了四个子查询,分别是 a0、a1、a2 和 a3,并使用了 with 语句来创建这些子查询。下面是这些子查询的具体作用:
- a0 子查询:从表格 dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu 中查询数据,并对 prodlinename 进行分类处理,将其映射成行业分类(制冷、楼宇、空调等)。然后按照 mouldno 分组,计算出 avgintervals 的平均值,并选取 pt 字段作为时间戳。
- a1 子查询:从表格 dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset 中查询数据,选取 ratedcycle 字段,并将其转换为 double 类型。
- a2 子查询:将 a0 和 a1 子查询的结果进行联接,然后根据 ratedCycle 和 avgintervals 的大小关系,计算出 db 字段的值(如果 avgintervals <= ratedCycle,则 db=1,否则 db=0)。
- a3 子查询:根据 pt 和 industry 分组,分别计算 kj_module_num 和 db_module_num 字段的值。
最终,将 a3 子查询的结果插入到表格 dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb 中,并设置 dh_etl_date 字段为当前日期。