用C语言解决下列问题:Kirill wants to weave the very beautiful blanket consisting of n×m of the same size square patches of some colors. He matched some non-negative integer to each color. Thus, in our problem, the blanket can be considered a B matrix of size n×m consisting of non-negative integers. Kirill considers that the blanket is very beautiful, if for each submatrix A of size 4×4 of the matrix B is true: A11⊕A12⊕A21⊕A22=A33⊕A34⊕A43⊕A44, A13⊕A14⊕A23⊕A24=A31⊕A32⊕A41⊕A42, where ⊕ means bitwise exclusive OR Kirill asks you to help her weave a very beautiful blanket, and as colorful as possible! He gives you two integers n and m . Your task is to generate a matrix B of size n×m , which corresponds to a very beautiful blanket and in which the number of different numbers maximized. Input The first line of input data contains one integer number t (1≤t≤1000 ) — the number of test cases. The single line of each test case contains two integers n and m (4≤n,m≤200) — the size of matrix B . It is guaranteed that the sum of n⋅m does not exceed 2⋅105 . Output For each test case, in first line output one integer cnt (1≤cnt≤n⋅m) — the maximum number of different numbers in the matrix. Then output the matrix B (0≤Bij<263) of size n×m . If there are several correct matrices, it is allowed to output any one. It can be shown that if there exists a matrix with an optimal number of distinct numbers, then there exists among suitable matrices such a B that (0≤Bij<263) .
时间: 2023-04-03 21:03:03 浏览: 212
我可以回答这个问题。这是一个算法问题,需要用C语言编写程序来解决。题目要求生成一个n×m的矩阵B,使得对于B的任意一个4×4的子矩阵A,都满足A11⊕A12⊕A21⊕A22=A33⊕A34⊕A43⊕A44, A13⊕A14⊕A23⊕A24=A31⊕A32⊕A41⊕A42,并且B中不同数字的数量最大。可以使用循环和位运算符来实现这个算法。
swing 皮肤包 jar包
Swing提供了一些皮肤包(Look and Feel)的jar包,可以用来改变应用程序的外观。以下是一些常见的Swing皮肤包:
1. Substance:Substance是一个流行的Swing外观库,提供了多个现代化和可定制的外观主题。你可以在Substance的官方网站(https://github.com/kirill-grouchnikov/substance)上找到相关的jar包和使用文档。
2. JTattoo:JTattoo是另一个流行的Swing外观库,提供了多个专业和精美的外观主题。你可以在JTattoo的官方网站(http://www.jtattoo.net/)上下载相关的jar包和使用指南。
3. FlatLaf:FlatLaf是一个现代化的Swing外观库,提供扁平化和响应式设计的界面。你可以在FlatLaf的GitHub仓库(https://github.com/JFormDesigner/FlatLaf)上找到相关的jar包和详细文档。
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